Saturday 10 July 2021

Report of Online Meeting to Remember the Great Leader comrade KIM IL SUNG 08.07.2021.

A successful online meeting, organised by the British Group for the Study of the Juche and the Korean Friendship Association UK , to commemorate the 27th anniversary of the passing away of the great leader President KIM IL SUNG was held on the 8th of July at 1630 hours BST . It was attended by e KFA UK members and BGSJI members from London , Staffordshire , Scotland and the West of England plus guests from  the Brazilian Centre for the Study of Songun Politics , KFA Cambodia  and KFA FInland  and Canada  .  There was also a written contribution from the Juche Idea Study Group of Ireland and also from the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain Marxist Leninist.

   Dr Dermot Hudson introduced the meeting .

   A 2 minute silence in memory of   President  KIM IL SUNG .

A message from the Juche Idea Study Group of Ireland was read out . It said in part “ Great Leader KIM IL SUNG not only was a true leader, but he was also a master of statesmanship who met with people from all walks of life from all over the world.’

  The message from Michael Chant of RCPBML  which was read out  stressed that ‘ a great debt is owed to President Kim Il Sung and the Korean people for the incalculable sacrifices made to establish the DPRK, and to reunify Korea so as to guarantee peace on the Korean peninsula.’

    A short tribute was made by the representative of KFA Finland who praised President KIM IL SUNG as a true revolutionary who remained true to his principles to the very end .

   The contribution of the representative of the Brazilian Centre for Songun Politics  stated that ‘the Korean people’s historic commitment to their own freedom. Secondly, the Juche philosophy, developed and implemented by comrade Kim Il Sung, rigorously practiced until today. So, comrades, talking about Kim Il Sung is talking about freedom and happiness: two themes that can never be forgotten when it comes to national sovereignty.’

Dr Dermot Hudson Chairman of the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea and Chairman of KFA UK said in his speech that ‘The purpose of this meeting is not simply to mourn the great leader President KIM IL SUNG  but to celebrate his life and express meaningful solidarity with People’s Korea and its great achievements.Independence, independence and independence was the creed of the great leader President KIM IL SUNG . He authored the Juche Idea which lights the road of independence for the popular masses and teaches us that man is the master of everything .The Juche idea captivated the anti-imperialists and revolutionaries throughout the world .Thousands of seminars on the Juche idea have been held all over the world.’

KFA UK West of England in their contribution  said in part that ‘It is especially important today when the imperialist and  hostile forces multiply their attacks on People’s Korea and on the world camp of socialism left after the collapse of the USSR to follow the advice and guidance of  President KIM IL SUNG , we must apply its patterns in practice and everyday life and socio-political activity , in activities to defend Korea of Juche

The representative of Staffordshire KFA UK branch said that  President KIM IL SUNG had built a successful socialist country and avoided deviating to the RIght or Left like some countries.

Dr Hudson spoke about the 9th anniversary of the award of the title of Marshal to respected comrade KIM JONG UN  saying that ‘Dear respected  Marshal KIM JONG UN is an , invincible and iron-willed brilliant commander of Songun  who follows in the footsteps of the great generalissimo's KIM IL SUNG and KIM JONG IL.

       We are convinced that final victory belongs to the Korean people under the leadership of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN’

Dr Hudson praised the superiority and invincibility of Juche-based socialism, pointing that there are no Covid 19 cases in the DPRK.

Some general discussion was held .

A letter to dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN was adopted .

Meeting concluded at 17.56 hours BST.

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