Saturday 10 July 2021

ASSPUK, BGSJI , UK KFA and BSCPRKP on the 9th Anniversary of the Award of the tile of Marshal to respected comrade KIM JONG UN.

ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF SONGUN POLITICS UK                                           


                          London 10th of July Juche 110(2021)
The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJI) , the UK Korean Friendship Association(UK KFA) and the British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula (BSCPRKP) issued the following joint statement on the occasion of the 9th anniversary of the award of the title of Marshal to dear respected  comrade KIM JONG UN  which falls on the 17th of July;
 Nine years ago on the 17th of July 2012 respected comrade KIM JONG UN was awarded the title of Marshal which placed him  at the top military post of the DPRK fully reflected the support and confidence in dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN . The award fully recognised  the leadership abilities and brilliant commanding art of dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN.                         .
    Dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN put forward the militant revolutionary Songun-based line of building up the nuclear force and economy of the DPRK in parallel ,a brilliant application to the modern realities of the brilliant line of the great generalissimo KIM IL SUNG  of building up the economy and defence in parallel.This was carried to a victorious conclusion under the leadership of dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN  with the result that the DPRK into a formidable power that can negotiate on equal terms with any country .

Dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN led the DPRK in the intense confrontation with the US imperialists who ran wild to stifle Korean-style socialism through sanctions and military pressure. Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN  with his skillful commanding art shattered the moves of the US imperialists and their puppets to provoke war on several occasions.

  Thanks to dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN  the outbreak of war on the Korean peninsula has been averted . He has made a great contribution to peace and security on the Korean peninsula and the Asia-Pacific region  as well as world peace. Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN has raised the international prestige of the DPRK considerably . Indeed it is soaring to new and higher levels.
      Dear respected  Marshal KIM JONG UN is an , invincible and iron-willed brilliant commander of Songun  who follows in the footsteps of the great generalissimo's KIM IL SUNG and KIM JONG IL.
       We are convinced that final victory belongs to the Korean people under the leadership of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN

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