Wednesday 16 May 2018

ASSPUK, JISGE , UK KFA and BSCPRKP support DPRK 1st vice Foreign Minister statement on possible cancellation of DPRK-US Summit

                                       London 16th  of May Juche 107(2018) 
 The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the Juche Idea Study Group of England (JISGE) ,the UK Korean Friendship Association(UK KFA) and the British Solidarity Committee for the Peace and Reunification in the Korean Peninsula(BSCPRKP) issued a joint statement in support of the excellent press statement made by the, first vice-minister of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK,comrade Kim Kye Gwan  concerning the possible cancellation of the DPRK-US summit and the question of the stance of the DPRK's on the DPRK-US dialogue:
  Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN has since the beginning of the year taken postive and pro-active steps to reduce tension on the Korean peninsula . This reflects the desire of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN to prevent war from breaking out on the Korean peninsula and to prevent a possible third world war . It was agreed to hold a summit with the US chief executive in June . Various steps were taken such as releasing 3 US citizens who were detained in the DPRK after commiting serious crimes . The DPRK has discontuined nuclear testing and also stop testing ICBMs .It has done everything to create the conditions for a succesful summit between the 2 countries.
  However the US has not responded positively and instead has  been talking about sanctions and pressure and have also brought forward demands for what amounts to the unilateral and one-sided disarmament and have jabbered about the so-called " Libyan model . " Comrade Kim Kye Gwan rightly points out that "This is not an expression of intention to address the issue through dialogue. It is essentially a manifestation of awfully sinister move to impose on our dignified state the destiny of Libya or Iraq which had been collapsed due to yielding the whole of their countries to big powers"
 It is clear that the US does not seem to be breaking with past hostile policies but intends to use the summit to impose its will on the DPRK , to force into unilateral disarmament and to smash up by the Juche-based socialist system chosen by the Korean people. Therefore it is the independent right of the DPRK to avoid such a scenario and cancel its participation in the summit.
  The statement of the 1st DPRK vice Foreign Minister fully clarifies the stance of the DPRK  on the whole issue of dialogue pointing out that "We have already stated our intention for denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and made clear on several occasions that precondition for denuclearization is to put an end to anti-DPRK hostile policy and nuclear threats and blackmail of the United States"
 This is the basis for genuine ,realistic and fair negotiation between the DPRK and US , anything else is simply unacceptable. We support the just stand of the DPRK concerning dialogue with the US.

 The DPRK does not need the so -called "assistance " of US imperialism (which is really about breaking up the socialist system and enslaving its people).The future of the DPRK under the banner of Juche and self-reliance is bright

  We denounce the US imperialists for tying to impose the so-called "Libyan " model on the DPRK  which is basically an insult to the dignity of the DPRK  !

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