Sunday 12 January 2014

Elections in the DPRK =Juche-oriented people's democracy in Action.

On the 8th of January - The Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) decided to hold an election of deputies to the 13th SPA on March 9, Juche 103 (2014), according to Article 90 of the Socialist Constitution of the DPRK. A general election basically. Also the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) of the DPRK decided to organize the central election committee for the election of deputies to the 13th SPA. The central election committee is made up of representatives of not only the ruling WPK but also the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea, the Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland , Union of Agricultural Working People of Korea (represents farmers) , the Korean Democratic Women's Union and the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth . Thus trade unions, farmers, women and youth are all involved in the electoral process. This is a big contrast to the electoral process in capitalist countries where a small number of people are involved in elections and to get nominated for election a sum of money must be paid as a deposit. Usually in elections in the so-called 'democratic countries' of the West , it is made difficult for smaller parties to participate in elections, issues in the elections are decided by the media (which is itself controlled by an elite) and huge sums of money are spent on electing candidates , in the US billions of dollars were spent.
In the last elections to the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly in March 2009 the turnout was 99.98% . Compare this to the UK where some MPs have been only elected by 30% or less of the electorate . Thus deputies to the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK have a real mandate unlike in capitalist countries. The DPRK 's electoral system is a unique people-centred electoral system , a Juche orientated people's democracy.


  1. How are candidates chosen to go on the ballot?, most imperialist news sources use this as a way to bash the DPRK system as they say that only one person is on the ballot paper and that person was prechosen by the election committee.

  2. My understanding is that the Central Election Committee is there to organise the elections , it does not actually nominate the candidates itself . Candidates have to be nominated by mass meetings of voters in workplaces, localities and workplaces. Hopefully in the weeks leading up to March there will be more details available about the process.
    Last time around there was the following report "Pyongyang, February 4 (KCNA) -- Voters' meetings were held at constituencies organized at units of the Korean People's Army and in Pyongyang, Phyongsong, Sinuiju, Sariwon, Kanggye, Hamhung, Chollima County of South Phyongan Province, etc. in the wake of the electors' meeting held at Constituency No. 333 on Feb. 1 in which KPA Supreme Commander Kim Jong Il was first nominated as a candidate for deputy to the 12th SPA".
    I think the idea is that candidates must have a level of mass support before their candidacy can go before the electorate.
    Here in the UK a small number of people-10 , can nominate a candidate who then does not even receive the votes of 50% of the electorate
