Tuesday 10 January 2023

Anniversary of Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un's Election as General Secretary of WPK Marked

Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un was elected as general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) on Jan. 10, Juche 110, (2021). The Korean people are greeting this significant anniversary.

Today the WPK is confidently leading the socialist cause despite stern ordeals and difficulties and achieving great victory and epochal changes.

This is a fruition of the outstanding leadership of the respected General Secretary who provided the precious guidelines and indicated ever-victorious path for remarkably enhancing the leadership ability and fighting efficiency of the WPK.

At the 8th Congress of the WPK, Kim Jong Un provided a militant banner to be maintained in continuously enhancing the Party's leadership ability and fighting efficiency, mentioning such problems for steadily intensifying the work to establish the monolithic leadership system of the Party Central Committee while regarding it as the main task and for radically improving the form and method of ideological education as required by the developing reality.

At the Sixth Conference of Cell Secretaries of the WPK, he said that the WPK must, at all costs, prove itself worthy of the great trust of the people who unreservedly address it as "mother" and, to this end, it must become a genuine "servant" party for them.

In his important speech made at a lecture to commemorate the 76th founding anniversary of the WPK, he advanced the immortal great programme of weighty significance in further developing the party building, activities and overall work to promote the building of Korean-style socialism to a brilliant victory.

He convened the 2nd Conference of Secretaries of the Primary Committees of the WPK, a special workshop for officials in the Party life guidance sections of organizational departments of party committees at all levels of the WPK and the 1st short course of officials in the field of information work of the WPK to ensure that the WPK more creditably discharge its leadership mission as the general staff of the revolution than ever before.

In particular, his historic lecture given in October last to clarify the orientation of party building in the new era is a far-sighted programme for the party building that indicates the road of leading the WPK's ruling history of nearly 80 years into the history of 800 and 8 000 years by ushering in a new heyday of strengthening the whole party with the significant day marking the 96th anniversary of the formation of the Down-with-Imperialism Union as the starting point.

Thanks to his energetic leadership, the WPK has further developed into a promising revolutionary party and a militant socialist ruling party along with a new heyday of strengthening the whole party opened up. -0-

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