Tuesday 26 July 2022

Echoes of Victory Resound Down the Decades -special article by Dr Dermot Hudson for the 69th anniversary of the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War


                              “ Our July 27 is the second Day of Liberation when our people defended with honour their country's dignity and sovereignty from the brigandage aggression by the U.S. imperialists, and also the day of proud victors that put the U.S. imperialists, who were recklessly attempting to gain hegemony in the world and enslave it, on a downhill march towards ruin."


On the 27th of July it will be the 69th anniversary of the victory of the Korean people in the Great Fatherland Liberation War against the US imperialist aggressors , the sworn enemy of the Korean people and world progressive people . Next year it will be the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War. It seems like only yesterday when I was in Pyongyang for the 60th anniversary of FLW Victory in 2013 when a splendid military parade was held .I can remember the helicopters  flying dexterously through the streets and into KIM IL SUNG Square , circling and then coming back .In the evening there was a wonderful firework display . No doubt there will be massive celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the victory in the great Fatherland Liberation War.

  July 27th is very important to the Korean people as it is regarded by the Korean people as the Second Liberation Day  , the first being August 15th when Korea was liberated from Japanese imperialist colonial rule thanks to the armed struggle waged under the banner of the Juche idea  and led by the great leader President KIM IL SUNG  . It is not just important to the Korean people but to the world progressive and revolutionary people because it was the first time that US imperialism was stopped in its tracks and defeated .The US had been on the winning side in both the First and Second World Wars . It had been victorious in the many wars of aggression that it had launched.


When the US imperialists provoked the Fatherland Liberation War on the 25th of June 1950 and subsequently threw huge armed forces into the war including those of 15 of its satellite countries , few people expected the DPRK to even survive let alone win . However the DPRK under the leadership of the great leader President KIM IL SUNG and guided by the Juche Idea held firm and did not go under . The attack of the south Korean puppets  was repulsed and turned into a rout . The south Korean puppet capital , Seoul was captured on the third day of the war  and by the end of July 1950 most of south Korea had been liberated . Today a certain big country has been unable to overcome a fascist regime in a neighbouring country after several months. The Korean People’s Army (KPA ) was able to quickly defeat the south Korean puppets and their masters the US imperialists due to Juche-based war tactics , the militant revolutionary spirit  of the soldiers and brilliant commanding art of Generalissimo KIM IL SUNG.

The heroic and invincible Korean People’s Army commanded by  great Generalissimo KIM IL SUNG  tore the guts of the US imperialist aggressor army . The US imperialists had no choice but to kneel down and sign an armistice agreement on the 27th of July 1953 which included a proviso  for the withdrawal of US troops from south Korea.

The US imperialists lost over : 1,567,128 men including 405,498 US soldiers, 1,130,965 south Korean puppet troops, and 30,665 soldiers of their satellite states were killed, wounded or captured; 12,224 air planes includ­ing "air fortress B-29" were downed, damaged or captured, 7,695 guns, 3,255  tanks and armoured cars were lost; and 564 warships and vessels including the heavy cruiser Baltimore and the flagship of the Seventh Fleet Missouri were sunk or damaged. The loss suffered by the US imperialists was nearly 2.3 times greater than what they had suffered in the four years of the Pacific War during World War II. Even official US statistics showed during each of the three years of the Korean war they lost double the troops for each year of the Vietnam war.

  US General Dean , the commander of the US 24th Division was captured at Taejon , US generals Walker and Moore  were killed .

US general Mark Clark lamented mournfully that he was the first US commander to conclude an armistice without a victory .Even right wing conservative historian Max Hastings wrote " Many American career officers were dismayed by the precedent Korea established: the United States had failed to fight a war to a victorious conclusion’

 It is a fact that no leftist , socialist or communist movement can ever be successful without defeating and destroying US imperialism ,the chieftain of world reaction , anything else is complete naivety or liberalism or revisionism . By inflicting such a massive defeat on US imperialism , the Korean people led by the great leader Generalissimo KIM IL SUNG made a great contribution to the world revolution .

  The US imperialists had waged a counter-revolutionary war in Korea with the aim of ‘rolling back ‘ socialism and communism . The US and other imperialists by fighting the war in Korea had aimed not only to destroy the young people’s democracy of the DPRK but also to crush the Chinese revolution and even attack or weaken the USSR not to mention eliminating the rising communist movement in Asia. The DPRK made an invaluable contribution to defending the socialist camp , punching way above its weight .

The echoes of the DPRK’s victory resound today and the spirit of July 27th is alive in People’s Korea led by respected Marshal KIM JONG UN . If the US imperialists start another war in Korea then the Korean people will win final victory over the US imperialists and reunify the country .

Dr Dermot Hudson 

Chairman British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea

Chairman Korean Friendship Association of the UK 

President Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK

Chairman British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula 

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