Sunday 21 November 2021

ASSPUK, BGSJI, UK KFA and BSCPRKP support Press Statement of DPRK Foreign Ministry on human rights



                   London 21st   of November Juche 110(2021)

The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK (ASSPUK),the British Group for the Study of the  Juche Idea  (BGSJI), the UK Korean Friendship Association(UK KFA) and British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification (BSCPRKP)  today issued a joint statement supporting the Press statement of the Foreign Ministry (FM) of the  Democratic People's Republic of Korea concerning the issue of human rights in the DPRK ;

 At the Third Committee of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly the United States (US ) and other dishonest forces railroaded through a resolution smearing the DPRK over the issue of human rights .The DPRK FM press statement rightfully denounces it as 'a product of anti-DPRK hostile policy and double standard as well as a grave infringement upon the sovereignty aimed at tarnishing the prestigious image of our state' .

 The resolution is indeed an unwarranted violation of the DPRK sovereignty and independence as well as a mean manouvre to overthrow the socialist system in the DPRK .

The resolution is an expression of the double standards of the US and other Western countries . In the US there is systematic and institutionalised racism , even the killing of black people by the police . In the UK many people are unemployed and have to rely on foodbanks to get food , this is a denial of human rights !.

It is a grave insult and injustice to accuse the DPRK which pursues a true people orientated policy of human rights violations . Under the people centred socialist system of the DPRK the independent rights of people are guaranteed . People enjoy the right to housing, to education , to a job , to welfare and many other rights  which do not exist in the Western countries.

We support the DPRK's rejection of the resolution and call for an end to interference in the affairs of the DPRK .





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