Thursday 19 August 2021

Juche Korea shines with bright independence- by Dr Dermot Hudson

This month  Juche Korea celebrates two very important anniversaries of  Juche Korea -the 76th anniversary of  liberation from Japanese imperialist rule  and August 25th Day of Songun , the 61st anniversary of the start of the Songun based revolutionary leadership . Both these anniversaries are closely linked not simply because one is some 10 days after the other but because it is Songun that underpins the independence of Korea .Indeed Korea liberation came about because of the Songun-based line of achieving independence through armed struggle advanced by the great leader President KIM IL SUNG.


  Today ,Juche Korea shines very brightly with true independence thanks to the Juche Idea and Songun idea .On August 15 the chains of Japanese imperialism were finally severed  and the Korean people gained a new life of independence thanks to the great leader president  KIM IL SUNG.

 The bright glow of independence of Juche Korea radiated throughout the world ! There are Juche Idea Study Groups in many countries that study and apply the Juche idea.


 Today everyone knows that the DPRK is the most independent country in the world. Even the reactionary conservative British  former premier John Major , in a backhanded compliment , admitted that the  DPRK has " undiluted sovereignty".

   The DPRK controls its own armed forces and weapons . It's nuclear deterrent  is a genuine independent nuclear deterrent. No other country controls the DPRK nuclear weapons . When I was a child I read  a book about weapons and learnt that Britain's nuclear missiles could only be fired when 2 keys were inserted into the controls , one of the keys was held by an American army officer. In the DPRK no other country holds the key to its nuclear weapons , no other country has the codes for the DPRK nuclear weapons or can stop the DPRK from using them !


  Unlike south Korea, the DPRK does not have armed forces of another country stationed on its territory . The US troops and bases in south Korea are part of a massive network of US overseas bases which run into hundreds. The US has created a "greater American empire"virtually covering all corners of the globe.

   There is not 1 foreign soldier or military base of another country on the soil of the DPRK.Of course the DPRK does not maintain military bases on other countries soil. The DPRK firmly asserts its independence and sovereignty but at the same time totally respects the sovereignty of other nations. Only the DPRK alone can make decisions concerning what weaponry is deployed on its soil. By contrast south Korea, the puppet and '51st of the US ' and the 'unsinkable aircraft carrier'  has no wartime operational control over its armed forces .South Korea is a miserable modern colony that languishes in abject subjugation to its Yankee masters . It is forced to pay for US troops to occupy it. The 'upkeep costs' of the US troops are just a form of colonial tribute .

    After 15th of August 1945 the people of the northern half of Korea became masters of their fate . President KIM IL SUNG had liberated them from Japanese imperialist rule. In the past Korea had lost independence due to its feudal rulers dependence on outside forces .Moreover Korea had been caught in the competition and rivalry between big powers such as Japan, Russia, China , US and Britain. President KIM IL SUNG had waged a Juche-orientated struggle for  independence by relying on the ordinary people, the popular masses.The Korean people under the leadership of President KIM IL SUNG fought in the spirit of Juche without any state backing or aid from outside. Juche Korea became independent , no longer a mere plaything of outside forces but master of its own destiny.                                                 

   The independence and Juche character of the DPRK were buttressed by Songun. Indeed it is impossible to imagine Juche without Songun ! On the 25th of August the great leader comrade  KIM JONG IL gave guidance to the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su 105 Guard Tank Division of the Korean People;s Army heralding the start of the Songun revolutionary leadership .Songun teaches us that independence can only be won and defended by force of arms and the Songun revolutionary leadership saw the massive consolidation of independence.

   Today the August 15th liberation  and the Songun revolutionary leadership are brilliantly carried forward by the dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN , the great successor to the Juche and Songun revolutionary cause . Under the leadership of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN the Korean people are bravely defying the sanctions of the imperialists and breaking through all difficulties in the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance guided by the great Juche idea. Because the DPRK maintains independence and adheres to the idea of Juche , the DPRK being able to avoid the Covid 19 Pandemic which has engulfed other countries causing chaos and disaster . Indeed  the DPRK has closed its border for 18 months but some countries would not survive a few days with their borders closed , this miracle is ascribable to the Juche idea and self-reliance. 

  An even greater future under the banner of Juche and self reliance , the banner of independence awaits the Korean people

Dr Dermot Hudson

Chairman British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea

Chairman UK Korean Friendship Association

President Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK

Hon Secretary General International Central Committee for Songun Study 

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