Friday 6 December 2019

That Fateful Day in December -special article in memory of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL by Dr Dermot Hudson


It was about 5.30 am on a cold and bleak winter morning on Monday 19th of December 2011. It was pitch black outside . I woke up to find a text message from a supporter of our Juche Idea Study Group of England , which read , as I remember , ‘very sad loss, condolences to all “ . I was very tired hardly awake . I was puzzled by the message , who could it refer to . 

   So I turned on the Radio and heard the news that the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL had suddenly passed away .17 years before in July 1994 I heard the news of the demise of the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG starkly announced on BBC Radio Four.
    I found it hard to believe that comrade KIM JONG IL who had been seen giving on the spot guidance to the Kwangbok supermarket  a few days before could have passed away so suddenly , it did not seem possible . I turned my computer on and checked with KFA comrades and also went onto the KCNA website . The news was true .It added to the bleak and empty nature of that day.
  Comrade KIM JONG IL had passed away suddenly on train whilst giving on the spot guidance to key economic sectors, The train is preserved and kept today in the Kumsusan palace of the Sun in Pyongyang , His desk is exactly as he had left it on the fateful day he passed away, giving the impression that he had just gone for a rest and was coming back .
  The Korean nation went into deep mourning . Juche idea followers and friends of People’s Korea sent messages of condolence . I myself  went and visited the DPRK Embassy in Acton Town , in west London . I placed flowers in front of the portrait and bowed . 
  I reflected on the great exploits of Chairman KIM JONG IL . comrade KIM JONG IL  defended and developed the purity of the Juche Idea . He systematised and enriched the Juche idea in his historic 1982 thesis "On the Juche Idea ". This work constitutes an almanac of the Juche idea which clarified its philosophical essence and that man has independence, consciousness and creativity. Thus the Juche idea shines out a philosophy for achieving the independence of the popular masses . The Juche idea is a powerful weapon for achieving human emancipation from all kinds of misery and oppression.
When socialism was frustrated in some countries owing to the treachery of modern revisionism the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL energetically defended socialism and wrote brilliant works such as "Our Socialism Centred on the Popular Masses Shall Not Perish , "Abuses of Socialism are Intolerable" "Socialism Is A Science , " Giving Priority to Ideological work is essential for accomplishing socialism" and many others  provided a source of hope for the people aspiring to socialism.

   The great leader comrade KIM JONG Il developed in depth the Songun idea an embodiment of the Juche Idea and treasured sword for defending socialist Korea . The Songun Idea and Songun politics are the cutting edge of the anti-imperialist class struggle in this era. The great leader comrade KIM JONG IL fully administered  Songun politics as supreme commander of the Korean People's Army comrade KIM JONG IL led the work of defence up-building and continued the cause of Juche-army building pioneered by the great leader President KIM IL SUNG. Stressing the importance of the anti-imperialist military front led the DPRK to victory in the DPRK-US confrontation smiting the reactionary US imperialists by carrying out 2 nuclear tests so that the DPRK became a global nuclear power , a proud independent socialist nuclear power of Juche. Thanks to this legacy bequeathed by comrade KIM JONG Il the DPRK can sit  down and negotiate with the USA as an equal partner.
  Chairman KIM JONG IL was loved by the people but hated by the imperialists because he did not bend down to them and because he did not betray socialism .
   Under the leadership of dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN the successor to the Juche revolutionary cause  the Korean people turned . sorrow into strength . Marshal KIM JONG UN has defended and carried forward the great ideas of comrade KIM JONG IL and built a prosperous socialist country under the banner of self-reliance . The ideas of chairman KIM JONG IL burn ever bright in People’s Korea !

Dr Dermot Hudson 
Chairman UK Remembrance Committee for the great leader comrade
Chairman Juche Idea Study Group of England 
Official Delegate KFA for the UK and Chairman UK KFA
President Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK 
Chairman British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula.

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