Wednesday 18 September 2019

"Let us build independent Europe under the banner of the Juche idea!- speech by Dr Dermot Hudson to the European Regional Seminar on the Juche Idea


14th of September 2019

Comrades and friends ,Thank you for inviting me and giving me both the honour and privilege of speaking in this European Regional Seminar on the Juche Idea .I am sure that this seminar will be successful and make a big impact in advancing the study of the Juche idea in Europe. In today’s world a key question is for countries to maintain their independence and sovereignty. In this respect the DPRK leads the way . It is the most independent country in the world .As respected Marshal KIM JONG UN said  in his policy speech  "On Socialist Construction and the Internal and External Policies of the Government of the Republic at the Present Stage"

 Today the imperialists' willful violation of the sovereignty of other countries is growing more undisguised than ever before, and not a few countries are being forced into a miserable plight as they have no strength with which to defend themselves; in this world it is hard to find a country like our Republic that is steadfast in the principle of independence and assures the security of the State and the happiness of the people by its own efforts.Holding fast to the revolutionary line of independence in State building and activities is a consistent and immutable stand of our Republic.”

   These words of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN inspire us to fight for independence in Europe.
  We must apply the Juche idea in Europe by building an independent Europe under the banner of the Juche idea . All European countries should become independent .
 For us Juche followers in Britain is the question of leaving the European Union ,popularly known as Brexit .The government of Boris Johnson has pledged to leave the EU by the 31st of October this year. Will Britain  become more independent as a result or will it become even more dependent on US imperialism ? Will there be a reactionary Brexit representing the opinion of some narrow chauvinistic sections of the ruling class or will there be a People's Brexit benefiting the people of Britain , that we British Juche  idea followers must address.
 The  British people voted by a majority to leave the EU on the 23rd of June 2016 because the experience of membership of the EU  has been overwhelmingly negative : when Britain joined the old European Economic Community or Common Market(as the EU was then called) in the 1970s food prices sharply increased. Later unemployment increased as industries such as coal and steel went into decline mainly because of the EU. Most working class people in Britain did not support continued membership of the EU , membership of the EU is supported by the middle class and by the dominant sectors of monopoly and finance capital .As Juche idea followers we consider the working class the most independent and progressive class. In our opinion  Juche idea followers should embrace populism not elitism !
 It should be remembered that the EU was founded as the  economic counterpart of NATO and as an anti-communist bulwark against the USSR and other socialist countries. Moreover the original foundation document of the EU the Treaty of Rome stipulates that the EU is based on the principle of the free market,  
  Membership of the EU (and indeed NATO as well) deprives Britain of political independence . Of course will would like to see a referendum on NATO Membership as well. The EU by stipulating the so-called 'free movement of goods and capital' , completely rules out the idea any member nation building its own self-reliant , independent national economy .The EU is fundamentally anti-socialist and commits member states to having a market economy. . Other European countries may wish to follow the lead of Britain and free themselves from the straightjacket of the European Union which denies the independence of its member states.
  We believe that an independent Britain should be an equal partner of an independent Europe.
     Europe is still subject to US domination and interference . The domination of the US is particularly acute in Britain which has US troops stationed on its soil .  Successive British governments have dispatched many troops to help the US imperialists in countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan. This is against the wishes of the vast majority of the British people who desire peace. There is not a ‘special relationship” but vassalage and submission to the interests of the US imperialists. The domination of US imperialist “trash culture” is prevalent in Britain,with most films shown on TV being from the US and many British TV programmes being simply copies of US ones. Pop singers sing in an American style. Such so called culture is in fact a poison turning people into mindless morons and self-indulgent beings  .Many other European countries are dominated by the US culturally lack and independent culture.
The great leader comrade KIM JONG IL  lucidly referred to the insidious process of the the obliteration of national cultures in his work "On Preserving the Juche Character and National Character of the Revolution and Construction.“ saying that
“The imperialists’ reactionary policy of suppressing the Juche character of nations and obliterating national traits is now taking on a new form in the guise of gangster-like fuss about the trend towards a “monolithic” world .In the situation where each country and nation shape their destiny with their own ideas and systems, there can be no “monolithic” world which covers all spheres of politics, economy and culture. With social development and ties and interchange among different nations becoming closer, common features increase in the lives of nations. However, this process always presupposes the independent and individualistic development of nations and takes place on the basis of such development.
The imperialists have cooked up the trend of a “monolithic world” for the purpose of reducing the whole world to the Western-style “free world” and subjugating and assimilating all nations to themselves . All countries and nations must see clearly the danger of the imperialist policy of obliterating nations which is pursued in the name of the trend towards a “monolithic” world and must intensify the struggle to defeat the dominationist manoeuvres of the imperialists”.
Economic domination by the US still exists to some extent though this has been weakened by the decline of the dollar and the rise of the European Union ,however US monopolies still have footholds in the European continent and in particular have penetrated into the former socialist countries of Eastern Europe many of which have been turned into vassal states and pro US sycophants by the reactionary rulers that seized power after 1989. The European Union has tended to side with the US on most issues for example the EU has played a most reactionary anti DPRK , anti-socialist role by backing US imperialism's “human rights” offensive against the DPRK and imposed sanctions on the DPRK and Venezulea.
  Supranational bodies such as the IMF, World Bank , EU and European Central Bank have imposed austerity and spending cuts in a number of countries . Some countries have become virtual appendages of bodies such as the EU , IMF and World Bank. Economic independence and self-reliance are not only desirable but is an absolute necessity .
 To achieve real independence European countries should not only expel US troops and bases from their soil but also build independent ,self-reliant national economies and build an independent national culture.  In the past we we formed the Juche Idea Study Group of England , some backward and ignorant elements opposed us saying what we were doing had no relevance to the country but the Juche Idea shows the way to achieve independence and the experience of Juche Korea is a great example for an independent Britain and an independent Europe !


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