Sunday 21 April 2019

ASSPUK, JISGE , UK KFA and BSCPRKP support Policy speech of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN


        London 21st  of April Juche 108(2019) 

Today Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the Juche Idea Study Group of England,  the UK Korean Friendship Association(UK KFA) and the British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula (BSCPRKP) issued a joint statement in support of the policy speech ' On Socialist Construction and the Internal and External Policies of the Government of the Republic at the Present Stage"  of dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN :
  On the 12th of April 2019 ,dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN made  the policy speech 
"On Socialist Construction and the Internal and External Policies of the Government of the Republic at the Present Stage" to the 1st session of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK . In the speech respected Marshal KIM JONG UN clarifies the fundamental stance of the DPRK on key questions and sets forth policies and lines for the forthcoming period .
   The core principle clarified by respected Marshal KIM JONG UN is " Accomplishing the socialist cause under the unfurled banner of modelling the whole society on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is a great and historic task facing the government of the Republic.". This is the basic and fundamental task to be achieved . In logical order respected Marshal KIM JONG UN puts forward lines and policies to achieve this . Independence must be adhered in all aspects of state policy .Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN stipulates that there must be no sell-out of revolutionary principles by pointing out that " Whatever wind may blow and whatever challenges and difficulties may lie ahead, our Republic will, in the future, too, make no concession or compromise over the issues concerning the fundamental interests of our State and people. It will resolve everything on the strength of self-reliance and self-development, stepping up the building of a powerful socialist country in our own way and by our own efforts."
   It is heartening for us Juche idea followers and world progressive people that come what may and in whatever situation the DPRK will hold fast to its principles . In the past many socialist states and parties sold-out their principles resulting in the frustration of socialism giving rise to many tragic events one after the other .Moreover respected Marshal KIM JONG UN commits the DPRK to resolving questions on the basis of self-reliance and self-development and building socialism by their own way , not copying or imitating others .
    Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN says that the people-first principle along with the principle
of self-reliance should be adhered to . The combination of self-reliance with the people -first principle is a perfect one for building socialism and an example for all socialist countries and progressive movements .
   Unlike some leaders respected Marshal KIM JONG UN with great perception raises the issue of lifestyle and morality saying that   "Establishing socialist lifestyle and morality is a serious political struggle and an acute class struggle to defend and glorify our idea and social system.".This is an extremly profound statement and one that socialists and communists should pay heed to .  
       In the speech respected Marshal KIM JONG UN gives a sober and realistic assessment of the state of DPRK-US relations, indicating his willingness to meet the US chief executive for a third time providing the US takes a proper attitude towards the DPRK . Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN shows a flexible and creative attitude on the one hand engaging the US to find a peaceful solution to the issues involved but on the other hand not bargaining away the fundamental interests of the state .
  Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN pays deep attention to the reunification question saying that the south Korean authorities must reject US attempts to slow down the process of inter-Korean relations and reunification . Our organisations support the call of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN for the discontinuation of military exercises by the US and south Korea.
  All in all this is a brilliant speech which applies the Juche idea , the teaching of the great leaders
comrades KIM IL SUNG and KIM JONG IL , to the present realities of the DPRK . We wholeheartedly support it believing that under the banner of self-reliance and self-development first the Korean people will build an invincible socialist country of Juche !


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