Friday 16 November 2018

Brief Statement by ASSPUK, JISGE , UK KFA and BSCPRKP on the test of the advanced tactical weapon in People's Korea

ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF SONGUN POLITICS UK email                                                                                          

                   London  16th of November Juche 107(2018)
The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK (ASSPUK),the Juche Idea Study Group of England(JISGE) , the UK Korean Friendship Association(UK KFA) and British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification (BSCPRKP)  today issued a brief statement on the succesful test of the advanced tactical weapon in the DPRK:
  The test of the new advanced tactical weapon of People's Korea that was conducted under the guidance of the dear respected leader Marshal KIM JONG UN , is very great news . It is an assertion of the DPRK 's independence and shows that it has not been fooled or deceived by the tricky and cunning US imperialists and their false ballad of 'peace ' .
The weapons test is a great blow against imperialism and will strengthen the DPRK 's Juche-based independent defence capabilities .
Those who said that the DPRK was selling out have been proved wrong !
Long live Songun !
Long live Juche !
Long live the Korean People's Army
Long live respected Marshal KIM JONG UN !

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