Wednesday 26 September 2018

On Building of Independent National Economy in DemocraticPeople's Republic of Korea Candidate academician, Prof. & Dr. Jo Chang Jun, Head of Department, University of National Economy (speech delivered at the International Seminar on the Juche Idea 8th of September 2018)

On Building of Independent National Economy in DemocraticPeople's Republic of Korea
Candidate academician, Prof. & Dr. Jo Chang Jun, Head of Department, University of National Economy
70-year long history of the DPRK was the history of gigantic creation and construction in which the Republic pioneered untrodden road of building of an independent national economy and has constantly demonstrated its might with the banner of the Juche idea under the wise leadership of the great leaders and the great Party.
Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un said.
“Our Party and people strove to implement the strategic line of socialist economic construction, so as to solidify the material and technological foundations of our independent national economy and provide a springboard for building an economic giant.”
Independent national economy was built for the first time in the DPRK by the original line of economic construction put forward by President Kim Il Sung, the master of idea and theory, on the basis of the immortal Juche idea.
From the beginning of building a new country after liberation, President Kim Il Sung scientifically explained, with his extraordinary ideological and theoretical wisdom and a far-sightedness, the basic truth of building a national economy that it is imperative to realize self-sufficiency in the economy along with independence in politics in order to achieve complete independence and sovereignty, prosperity and development of the country and put forward the original line of building an independent national economy.
Building an independent national economy means to build a national economy that serves one's people and develops by relying on resources of one's country and strength of one's people, the national economy that stands on its own feet without being subordinated to others.
The line of building an independent national economy put forward by President Kim Il Sung is the man-centered theory of economic construction that applies the fundamental principle of the Juche idea--man is the master of his destiny and has a strength to carve it out. It is the most scientific program of economic construction that reflects the demands of a new era aspiring after independence.
After the World War II, the world entered a new historic era of independence but most of countries that freed themselves from the colonial yoke of imperialism depended mainly on the “aids” from the developed countries in the building of their national economy and imitate and transplant the economy of developed countries.
With the firm faith that building a prosperous country without self-sufficiency in the economy is as same as building a house on sand, President Kim Il Sung put forward the original line of building the independent national economy that had never been found nor could be mentioned in the economic construction theory of other countries.
Leading to victory the two occasions of rehabilitations and two stages of social revolution while breaking through the trials and difficulties in the spirit of indomitable revolutionary spirit, President Kim Il Sung gave perfect explanations to all theoretical and practical problems—from the main contents of the line to the principle to be maintained, the providing of social conditions for independent national economy, the establishment of the system of the independent national economy and the ways of laying and consolidating foundations for independent national economy.
The President saw that the independent national economy was built in 3 stages of laying its foundation, establishing its system and consolidating the system continuously and led wisely the building of the independent national economy in the principle of self-reliance by relying on our strength, technique and resources.
Under his distinguished leadership, foundation for an independent national economy was laid in 1960 and the system of the independent national economy was established in 1970. As a result, our economy could stand on its own footing and our country was built into a dignified socialist industrial state.
The President wisely led the struggle for carrying out the tasks of the 3rd stage of consolidating the system of the independent national economy on the basis the already-achieved successes to vigorously put the national economy on Juche, modern and scientific basis and laid strong material and technical foundations capable of solving everything needed in the economy, national defence and the people's livelihood mainly with its own efforts.
Our independent national economy is the one of our style built by the efforts and wisdom of our people, in keeping with their will and demands of the Korean revolution and on the basis of President Kim Il Sung's original idea and line of building the economy.
The building of an independent national economy in the DPRK could leap forward to the stage of further consolidating independence and Juche character of national economy thanks to the wise leadership of leader Kim Jong Il who defined the President's line of building an independent national economy as the strategic line in socialist economic construction.
Leader Kim Jong Il, who expressed in the early 1960s his steadfast will to adhere to the President's line of building an independent national economy to the end, wisely led the Korean people to invariably implement the President's line of building an independent national economy.
The Korean people's struggle in the DPRK in the 1990s to overcome the difficulties of the Arduous March and lay foundation for a powerful socialist country was the struggle that had to brave severe trails unprecedented in history. In that period, due to the imperialist allied forces who attacked in every side to stifle our Republic, many factories and enterprises discontinued production due to repeated natural disasters and tense electricity and food situations and the people had to suffer from hardships in their living. When the country was suffering from difficult trials, some defeatists thought foolishly to promote the economy while placing their hope on other countries.
At the crossroads of self-support or dependency on foreign forces, leader Kim Jong Il made great and courageous determination to choose the road to self-support without hesitation and aroused the Party, the country and the people to the struggle to put the national economy on a new high stage by dint of the independent national economy, holding high such slogans as “Let Us Live Our Own Way!” and “Self-reliance Is the Only Way to Survive!"
Thanks to the tireless and energetic leadership of leader Kim Jong Il to provide a spring board for an economic giant by consolidating the material and technical bases of the independent national economy, all fields of national economy including metal, chemical and machine industries were put on a Juche, modern and scientific basis on a high level, our economy entered the stage of switching over to a knowledge-based economic giant in the flames of the industrial revolution in a new century and solid material and technical foundations capable of bringing about a turn in improving the people's livelihood could be laid.
Thanks to the original idea and theory on the building of the independent national economy put forward by President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and to their brilliant realization, our economy has invariably covered the road of self-support even when the eastern European countries suffered because the socialist market was collapsed in the 1990s, when the economy suffered from disastrous confusion in several countries of the world including the Middle East due to the aftereffect of “war on terrorism” committed by the US imperialists in the 2000s to realize their ambition for world supremacy and when many countries suffered from the - continuous economic stagnation and disorder caused by the world energy and food crisis and the IMF crisis after the 2000s, thus developing our country into the world politico-ideological giant.
The building of an independent national economy in the DPRK has entered a new high stage of comprehensively building a self-supporting economic giant, the knowledge-based economic giant under the distinguished leadership of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un who is the brilliant commander and peerless patriot.
Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un gave scientific explanation to the essence of the economic giant we are building now. He said that it is a self-supporting economic giant, the knowledge-based economic giant that produces and supplies by itself material means needed for defence building, economic construction and the people's livelihood improvement, and in which science and technology are integrated with production and hi-tech industry plays the leading role in promoting economic growth.
The idea and theory on the building of an economic giant put forward by Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un reflect his resolute will and far-reaching plan to surely build a self-supporting economic giant to be envied by the world in accordance with the superiority of the independent national economy and the law of its development put forward by the great leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong II.
Our people will wage vigorous struggle for the building of an economic giant to build the best country in the world on this land under the wise leadership of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, holding higher the banner of the immortal Juche idea.

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