Thursday, 7 December 2017

Modern US colonialism in south Korea

Just reading up on Camp Humphreys in south Korea . This is the biggest and most expensive US overseas base in the world . Apparently there has also been a nasty scandal over corruption involved in the construction of the base. Of course it goes without saying that south Korea is the most corrupt society in the world.
However what struck me is that Camp Humphreys stands out as a prime example of US colonialism in the 21st century ! Not just neo-colonialism but open and naked direct colonialism .
 Most of the costs involved in constructing the base have been paid not by the US army or US government but by the south Korean taxpayer. This is basically a form of colonial tribute in a modern form.
  Apparently the base will have American shops and leisure facilities etc , a 'home from home' for the Yankee soldier boys.It is reminiscent of the days of the 'British Raj' when Britain imposed its culture through the British empire .
Wake up US imperialists ! The British empire is long gone and the US empire will go the same way .
Camp Humphreys is just a bigger target for the KPA or for the south Korean liberation forces led by the AINDF

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