Monday 23 October 2017


Monday 23rd of October 2017.
Today the UK Korean Friendship Association issued a statement denouncing the rubbish spoken by the British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson at the Chatham House conference:
  British Foreign Secretary , the Conservative Boris Johnson , at the Chatham House conference today(Monday 23rd of October ) slandered the supreme leadership and social system of People's Korea and called for "to halt his nuclear development programme, to come to the negotiating table" . This looks like a clumsy attempt by Johnson to play 'good cop' to Trump's 'bad cop'. However it will not wash . It is absurd  and indeed diabolically criminal to call for the DPRK to negotiate when Trump has declared that he will destroy the DPRK and commit genocide against the Korean people. Does Johnson seriously expected the DPRK to negotiate with a loaded gun pointed at it ? . Basically
Johnson is making the UK a participant in the US blackmail, bullying and threats towards People's Korea .
 Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN, the supreme leader of People's Korea and leader of the entire Korean people has said "the DPRK would neither put its nukes and ballistic rockets on the table of negotiations in any case nor flinch even an inch from the road of bolstering the nuclear force chosen by itself unless the U.S. hostile policy and nuclear threat to the DPRK are definitely terminated"
 This is indeed correct . It is an independent stand that defends the interests of the Korean people. To
accept the proposal of Johnson would mean in the words of the British politician Nye Bevan 'going into the conference table naked' . As Marshal KIM JONG UN said " "However fair-minded and just we are, we may become a bargaining chip for the strong and our precious history inherited with blood will lose its shine in a moment if we are weak".
  Ironically Boris Johnson is actually arguing for the unilateral nuclear disarmament of the DPRK ,something which he would not want for the UK and something which his own party has always consistently opposed . So double standards are very apparent in Johnson's speech. Basically those
who argue for the "denuclearisation" of the DPRK are arguing for  the Americanisation of the Korean peninsula and regime change .
  As to the ridiculous claim of Johnson that having nuclear weapons means that the socialist system of the DPRK can be more easily overthrown is turning truth and the lessons of history on its head. The DPRK is not Libya or Iraq or Yugoslavia or the former revisionist Soviet Union but is the Juche Korea of people-centred socialism based on the single-hearted unity of the leader, the party, the army and the masses. A Libyan type scenario cannot be played out in People's Korea , however much , Johnson and his Tory and capitalist cronies may dream of it.The leader of Libya was killed not by
a popular uprising but by a special operation crafted by Western intelligence services and their hired media.Gadhafi was killed because those who held out their righ hand in friendship had a dagger in the left hand hidden behind their back.
Instead of calling for the DPRK to disarm and enter into humilating and pointless negotiations , Johnson should instead call for the US to end its hostile policy and nuclear threat against the DPRK thereby providing a genuine basis for negotiations. Britain needs to stop crawling to the Yankee imperialists and follow an independent policy on Korea.


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