Monday 12 December 2016

ASSPUK,JISGE ,UK KFA and UK Preparatory Committee For the 2017 Gathering to Praise the Great Persons Born of Mt Paektu condemn U.S.-sponsored Anti-DPRK "Human Rights" Farce at UNSC

           12th of December  Juche 105(2016)
 The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK),the Juche Idea Study Group of England(JISGE),the UK Korean Friendship Association(UK KFA) and the UK Preparatory Committee For the 2017 Gathering to Praise the Great Persons Born of Mt Paektu issued a joint statement condemning the the U.S.-sponsored discussion of the "human rights issue" of the DPRK at the UN Security Council:
    Recently the UN Security Council went to the extreme length of holding a "open meeting " on "north Korean human rights ". It is most extraordinary that the UNSC should do this, as it is not a legtimate topic of discussion for the UNSC. It was opposed by a number of countries including some states that are permanent UNSC members . However the US imperialists  and their vassal countries managed to push it onto the UNSC agenda.
   Firstly, human rights isssue are a matter of internal policy of country. The UNSC supposedly exists to mediate in international disputes and discuss issues of peace and security. Human rights does not directly relate to this. As the DPRK Foreign Ministry points out "   It is a hard fact that the Human Rights Council and other councils exist at the UN." The UNSC is clearly the wrong forum for such a discussion.
   Secondly , there is no human rights issue in the DPRK as everyone has a job , there is a free education  , free medical care and free housing . There is no terrorism in the DPRK and virtually no crime so people have nothing to fear in their own country.
  Once again the UNSC has shown a complete lack of impartiality  and has acted as a puppet of US imperialism !
 We strongly condemn the UNSC for its improper actions and support any counter-measures that the DPRK may take.
UK Preparatory Committee For the 2017 Gathering to Praise the Great Persons Born of Mt Paektu

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