Saturday 2 April 2016

ASSPUK and JISGE on the 4th anniversary of the election of dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN as First Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and First Chairman of the DPRK NDC


                         2nd of April  Juche 105(2016)
The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK and the Juche Idea Study Group of England issued the following joint statement on the occasion of the 4th anniversaries of the election of the dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un to the posts of First Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and First Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK
   The respected Marshal  Kim Jong Un was elected to the positions of First Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (11th of April) and First Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK (13th of April).  These momentous decisions placed dear respected comrade Kim Jong Un  at the head of the state,party and army and at the helm of the Korean revolution. Dear respected Marshal  Kim Jong Un was democratically elected to these positions. It was a profound manifestation of the support , trust , respect and affection of the masses of Korean people and members of the WPK that he was been elected to both posts .  Seeing many documentaries and videos of the on-the-spot guidance  of respected Marshal Kim Jong Un  we can that he is the most popular leader in the world and that the entire Korean people are united rock-solid behind the dear respected Marshal  Kim Jong Un and will win final victory under his masterly leadership.
   During the 4th years of  his leadership of the WPK and the National Defence Commission   Dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un  has shown great energy , determination and dynamism in his roles . Project after project has been completed . Prosperity is rising and the Korean people under the leadership of dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un are rushing towards the goal of a thriving socialist country .
   As First Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea dear respected Marshal  
Kim Jong Un has led the struggle to consolidate the monolithic unity of the WPK, to model it on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism and defeated the anti-party counter-revolutionary factionalists . Now dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un is now leading the struggle to implement to the letter Kim Jong Il's behests without an inch of deflection and without a step of concession.
   As the First Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un has put forward and implemented the great line of building the economy and nuclear force simultaneously. Respected Marshal Kim Jong Un has also stressed the need for self-development and self-reliance thus rejecting imperialist slavery and is leading People's Korea along the path of militant anti-imperialism.
   Dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un has brilliantly followed in the footsteps of the great leaders generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il  and sticks to the line of independence, Songun and socialism.
   Under the Songun revolutionary leadership of the dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un , First secretary of the glorious Workers' Party of Korea and First chairman of the National Defence Commission , the Korean people under the great red banner of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism will finally defeat the US imperialists and reunify Korea !


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