Monday, 22 December 2014

ASSPUK,JISGE and UK KFA support DPRK NDC Policy Dept Statement U.S. Urged to Honestly Apologize to Mankind for Its Evil Doing before Groundlessly Pulling up Others

                      London 22nd of December Juche 103(2014)

         The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK , Juche Idea Study Group of England and the UK Korean Friendship Association issued the following joint statement in support of the statement of the Policy Department of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea of Sunday  21st of December titled " U.S. Urged to Honestly Apologize to Mankind for Its Evil Doing before Groundlessly Pulling up Others";

           We strongly support the statement of the policy department of the DPRK National Defence Commission.  The US is indeed a cesspool of injustice , a cesspool of terrorism. It should be added that the US is the chieftain of imperialism and headquarters of reaction.
    Those involved in the making of the anti -DPRK terrorist film "The Interview " should face due punishment for their serious crimes. In a number of countries it is a criminal offence under anti-terrorist legalisation to praise or glorify terrorism yet  the film "The Interview " does exactly this. How would the US react if the DPRK or another country made a film showing the violent death of
Obama at the hands of anti-imperialist liberation fighters ? . At the height of the Cold War there was no such thing as a film showing the violent assassination of the leaders of the USSR and other socialist countries. If they had been such a film it would have led to a sharp deterioration in international relations and an increase in tension. Had the US had any desire for an improvement in relations with the DPRK they would have put the "The Interview " in the bin  !

      As has been proved already the US authorities were the secret manipaulators behind the production of the "The Interview " and the US State Dept gave instructions for the scene showing the violent assassination of the Supreme leadership of the DPRK. This itself is an act of war against the DPRK . This film is part and parcel of the massive propaganda campaign and pyschological warfare against the DPRK . By attacking the supreme leadership of the DPRK the US imperialists and their over-paid, talentless and moronic minions in Hollywood hope to destroy the socialist system of the DPRK and restore capitalism in the land of the three thousand ri . This has been the dream of the US capitalist ruling class and its puppet regime in south Korea for decades.
In the DPRK the supreme leader is the centre of unity and society in the DPRK in an integral harmonious whole, therefore any attack on the supreme leader is an attack on the system of the DPRK and indeed every single DPRK citizen.

The action of "Guardians of the Peace " in crippling Sony with a cyber-attack is a just and correct one. However this does not mean that the DPRK have carried out the attack themselves. It is probable that in fact that attack has been carried out from US soil either by sympathisers of the DPRK or a disillusioned employee of the Sony capitalist monopoly. The US is compounded its crimes by blaming the DPRK, the wrong party in this affair, for the cyber attack and threatening it
with retaliation . This shows the US to be a despicable international bully .

We support the just stand of the Policy Dept of the DPRK to take whatever counter-measures  to defend itself from US imperialist aggression. Moreover should "The Interview " ever be shown in the UK we will organise protests against it.

Smash US psychological warfare against the DPRK !


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