Saturday, 27 December 2014

ASSPUK, JISGE and UK KFA support DPRK NDC Policy Dept Statement "U.S. Can Never Justify Screening and Distribution of Reactionary Movie"

 London 27th of December Juche 103(2014)
The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK, the Juche Idea Study Group of England and UK Korean Friendship Association issued the following joint statement in support of the statement of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea titled "U.S. Can Never Justify Screening and Distribution of Reactionary Movie: Policy Department of NDC of DPRK";

           Firstly, it is completely intolerable and an act of cyber-aggression that the  DPRK's internet capacity has been attacked. What is significant is that and other DPRK internet media cannot be accessed from US based internet servers or US owned ISP's such as Google. This is real censorship and suppression of the freedom and an act of terrorism ! We demand that the US 
imperialists stop blocking DPRK internet outlets !

     Secondly, it has become increasingly apparent that the Sony Hacking incident was carried out from within the US and by someone with a good knowledge of the Sony Corporation. The Sony hacking has nothing to do with the DPRK . The allegations against the DPRK made by Obama and the FBI are totally false and an insult to the dignity of the DPRK . The proposed sanctions and 'retaliation' of the US are an act of war by the US . Obama is one of the most reactionary US
presidents and his mask of liberalism is a false one . Our organisations always argued that Obama's presidency meant that there had been no change in the nature of the US system , Obama is simply the trendy face of US imperialism and US fascism !.
                       Thirdly, the decision to release "The Interview " despite the protests of the DPRK and progressive people worldwide was clearly on the orders of the US ruling oligarchy . As the DPRK NDC policy department statement says " With no rhetoric can the U.S. justify the screening and distribution of the movie.
This is because "The Interview" is an illegal, dishonest and reactionary movie quite contrary to the UN Charter, which regards respect for sovereignty, non-interference in internal affairs and protection of human rights as a legal keynote, and international laws.
It is also because it is a new politically-motivated provocation made by the U.S., pursuant to its hostile policy toward the DPRK as it is a movie for agitating terrorism produced with high-ranking politicians of the U.S. administration involved." 

 The film "The Interview " is  a racist , anti-DPRK , anti-Korean film that insults the Supreme Leadership of the DPRK and tells lies about the socialist system of the DPRK . It is recycled vintage cold war propaganda with a hefty dose of racism and ignorance .Moreover what the release of "The Interview " shows is the US film industry is really controlled by the CIA and the State Dept
Progressive people in the UK and elsewhere should make sure that the film is never screened in the UK .
                                The release and distribution of "The Interiew " is an extreme act of psychological warfare against the DPRK, an undeclared act of war . It goes to prove that US imperialism is the eternal sworn enemy of the Korean and that the two can never coexist. Thus anti-US line of the DPRK is a correct and at a time when some people are holding hands with US imperialism  it is an entirely correct one.


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