Tuesday 1 April 2014

Park Geun Hye slammed different commentaries

    Pyongyang, April 1 (KCNA) -- Park Geun Hye's foolish behavior has brought disgrace to the Korean nation as the days go by. She did the same during her European tour.
    In Dresden, Germany, she made public a "plan for peaceful unification of the Korean Peninsula".
    As far as her plan is concerned, it is little different from "proposal for unification" and "confidence-building process" much touted by her in south Korea, which have been criticized as "unilateral plan" and "policy toward the north without core issues".
    Park Geun Hye, ill-famed as chatterbox, has made a string of seductive remarks, while being puffed up with self-importance. Her behavior reminds everyone of a spinster wandering to hunt for a "political husband".
    But her specious words lured political swindlers and extreme conservatives only like traitors to the nation or agents of the "Intelligence Service".
    To tell the truth, no one likes capricious Park as she gave up or reversed all her commitments to bettering the people's living she made during her "presidential election" campaign.
    She worked out the "confidence-building process", a policy of confrontation against the country's reunification, only to excite public anger.
    Under these circumstances, it is said that if she made public anything against the national interests, she would be shot to death like her father.
    Probably for this reason, it seems that she went to Europe to make public the above-said "plan for unification".
    But her announcement of the plan, the keynotes of which are "settlement of humanitarian issues", "building of infrastructure for common prosperity" and "restoration of homogeneity", invited strong criticism and protest of Korean residents in Germany.
    Lurking behind her plan is a sinister intention for "unification by absorption", which will escalate north-south confrontation and war danger and keep national division permanently.
    Even a senior German politician, who was agape at her foolish doings, advised her that she should open mind and lend an ear to north Koreans.
    Park Geun Hye, bereft of national dignity, is doomed to a stern punishment of the nation.
    By Jo Yong Ok, an official of the International Affairs Department of the C.C., Democratic Women's Union of Korea. -0-

   Pyongyang, April 1 (KCNA) -- Park Geun Hye, the chief executive of south Korea, made reckless remarks of no help to the Korean nation during her recent trip to Germany.
    Like an uneducated woman, she said that Germany and south Korea are "alike" and she has many things to learn and wants to follow the example of Germany.
    In this regard, women in the DPRK are now jeering at her turpitude.
    An Kyong Hui, a Pyongyang citizen, told KCNA:
    It was not long ago that being an ignoramus, Park Geun Hye made a foolish speech, written by her aides, on the DPRK's nuclear issue while visiting Netherlands, only to expose herself to public disgrace.
    In Dresden of Germany this time, she mentioned her "three-point proposal toward the north" as if she was taking pains to ensure "peaceful unification", but it became a laughing-stock. Her "proposal" was rejected even in south Korea as it is too poor to meet a response from the DPRK.
    As a woman, I feel sorry to see Park behaving like a babbling countrywoman rather than a "president" wherever she goes.
    Kim Un Gyong, a doctor at the Moranbong District People's Hospital in Pyongyang, said:
    In Germany Park talked nonsense that the DPRK suffers economic difficulty and food shortage, with a script cooked up by the Intelligence Service on the basis of defectors' vituperations.
    Disgusted at such nonsense, media of south Korea blamed her aides for having offered distorted information, questioning that Park went back to the 20th century.
    What she does reminds people of a childish girl or a slow-witted person who does not know to act her age.
    It is ridiculous for Park to care about others' economic situation with south Korea faced with economic collapse and destitution.
    She had better mind her own business, refraining from spinning gossip about others. -0-
    Pyongyang, April 1 (KCNA) -- Park Geun Hye, the host of Chongwadae, has disgraced the Korean nation, touring other countries after coming to power in south Korea.
    During her recent trip to Germany, she viciously maligned the DPRK, with her mouth that had called for "halt to slandering among the fellow countrymen".
    Shunning to the rapidly-changing reality of the DPRK, Park talked jargon on the basis of a scenario worked out by the "Intelligence Service" with the defectors' vituperations that the DPRK suffers "economic difficulty" and "food shortage". And she talked about "restoration of homogeneity", provoking a side-splitting laughter.
    She also put forth a "unification proposal" woven with junk only to arouse ridicules and criticism even from among her hirelings.
    Park seems to have neither an elementary political philosophy nor idea, and no sign as befitting a member of the Korean nation is seen in her.
    It would be better to call her a "lowbrow politician" as she acts like a meddlesome countrywoman, not knowing where she stands.
    She had already behaved in a shameful manner during her foreign tours to stun all her fellow countrymen.
    In Netherlands, she parroted a foolish speech written by her ignorant aides over the DPRK's nuclear issue to bring disgrace to herself under the eyes of the world.
    When she arrived at an airport in New York, there was no American official to greet her. But she, instead of feeling affronted and expressing anger, spoke in broken English at a Congress meeting to become a butt for ridicule. Her clumsy behaviors were witnessed in Britain and France, too.
    So, people from all walks of life in south Korea criticized such disgusting behaviors as "acme of the nation's dishonor" and an "act of losing her position as a sovereign".
    There is some reason in the fact that Japan's newsweekly Shukanbunshun ridiculed what Park did as diplomacy of an auntie who would break out in invectives. -0-
   Pyongyang, April 1 (KCNA) -- During her recent trip to Germany south Korean chief executive Park Geun Hye behaved so impudently as to say that she has much to "learn" from the unification of Germany and she would like to follow the "example" set by it. Ridiculously enough, she in a "speech" referred to her "initiative on Korea's unification".
    Rodong Sinmun Tuesday in a commentary observes in this regard:
    Park's sophism and her disgusting behaviour are arousing repugnance and disillusion as there is no worth making any inquiry into reason and truth.
    Park groundlessly slung mud at the DPRK, talking about its "economic difficulties". This is an unpardonable insult and mockery of the compatriots in the north.
    As a matter of fact, "unification" touted by Park is nothing but "unification of social systems" against the nation's will as it is aimed to undermine the dignified ideology and social system of the DPRK.
    She is so brazen-faced as to tout "unification initiative" though she has such ulterior motive.
    Her rhetoric about "support" for someone, "co-prosperity" and "restoration of homogeneity" would get her nowhere.
    The south Korean authorities have so far checked the north-south NGO exchanges of people of various circles case by case and even sidelined even the matter for increasing wages of the workers at the Kaesong Industrial Zone even a bit. However, they are now misleading the public opinion by touting "co-prosperity" and "restoration of homogeneity". They are nothing but sheer lies and height of hypocrisy. Park's blabbering about "unification" in such embarrassing position only betrays her uneasiness and worry about crisis.
    If the south Korean chief executive persistently pursues confrontation, far from drawing a lesson from her recent junket, she will be wholly to blame for the ensuing baneful impact on the north-south relations. -0-

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