Tuesday 8 April 2014

ASSPUK , JISGE and UK KFA on the 21st anniversary of the election of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL as chairman of the NDC of the DPRK

London 8th April Juche 103(2014)
                                         The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK, the Juche Idea Study Group of England and the UK Korean Friendship Association issued the following joint statement on the occasion of the 21th anniversary of the election of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il as the chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK.
                           On the 9th of April it will be 21 years since the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il was elected as chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK , the highest office of state in the DPRK. This was a profound manifestation of the sublime respect and trust of the Korean people in the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il . It fully reflected the fact that the great  leader comrade Kim Jong Il was the successor to the Songun revolutionary cause pioneered by the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung
                         Throughout the period of his chairmanship of the National Defence Commission comrade Kim Jong Il wisely carried the cause of Juche -orientated defence building and wisely administered Songun politics in order to cope with the US imperialists attempts to stifle Korean-style socialism by force.
                            During  the 18 years that he was chairman of the NDC the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il steered the DPRK through the difficult period of the 'arduous march' caused by the imperialist's attempts to stifle the DPRK and by recurrent natural disasters to a shining victory. His leadership also ensured the DPRK won victory in the 'war without gunshots' against the US imperialists facing down their attempts to subdue the DPRK through the so-called 'nuclear crisis'. Thanks to his leadership the DPRK has emerged a socialist nuclear power of Juche.
          The great leader comrade Kim Jong Il for his great exploits as the chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK has been immortalised as the Eternal Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK. We Juche Idea and Songun idea followers remember the great
achievements of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il as NDC Chairman.
                  Today dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un is proudly carrying forward the excellent traditions and ideas of Eternal chairman of the NDC comrade Kim Jong Il.

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