Wednesday 19 February 2014

FCO/British Imperialism -Hands off the Democratic People's Republic of Korea- UK KFA


 London 19th of February 2014
The UK Korean Friendship Association (UK KFA) utterly condemns the press statement of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) Mr Hugo Swire.
                                 The statement issued by the FCO is full of hypocrisy , double-standards and lies . The minister calls for the closing down of "political prison camps " in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea but these do not exist as His excellency Ambassador Hyon Hak Bong recently said to Sky News there are no labour camps only places for re-education. In fact most re-education in the DPRK is actually carried out in workplaces and local communities.
                                     The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a beautiful clean country that is one of the most harmonious and stable societies in the world where human rights violations are unheard of. In  the DPRK the socialist system guarantees real human rights such as the right to work , the right to rest and leisure and the right to eduction .Such rights do not exist in the UK where millions of people are unemployed and many homeless people sleep on the streets.  Crime is virtually non-existent. You will never see gangs wandering around the streets of Pyongyang threatening people.
                                                      The so-called "report " of the UN commission is a tissue of  lies and fabrications some of which are totally laughable such as child-like drawings of supposed "atrocities." The report is based on slanders from unreliable witnesses , so-called "defectors "  some of whom are imposters (south Koreans posing as "north Korean defectors" ) and others are those who committed extremely serious crimes . Most are proven liars , even the co-author of "Escape from Camp 14 " Blaine Harden was compelled to admit that Shin Dyong Hyuk(a celebrity so-called "defector") " had built his own memoir upon a gigantic lie..... In writing this book, I have sometimes struggled to trust him" .  Some experts have pointed out that Mr Shin speaks with a south Korean accent and cannot explain why that is .Yet the UN commission of inquiry and the FCO have based their whole case on the word of people like Shin Dyong Hyuk.
                                             Indeed it is pertinent and relevant to ask the FCO just how much money the UK government is throwing at these dregs of humanity the so-called defectors  at a time when cuts, austerity and pay freezes are the order of the day and British people beg in the streets with signs saying "hungry and homeless please help"  yet money and homes are found for these traitors to the DPRK  !
                                      We ask whether the FCO believes that there should be no impunity for those responsible for the killings that took place in Derry City, northern Ireland on the 31st of January 1972 ? Will the FCO call for no impunity for those responsible for 3531 deaths in northern Ireland ? Will the FCO call for no impunity for rulers of the US who are responsible for millions and millions of deaths worldwide ?
                                                             Why isn't the FCO condemning south Korea for the repression of the rail-workers union , the storming of the south Korean TUC building and the jailings of Lee Seok-ki, Ro Su Hui and Rev Han Sang Ryol ?
                                                         The FCO statement constitutes a flagrant and manifestly unjust interference in the internal affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Rather than promoting friendship , co-operation and  exchange with the DPRK , the FCO is instead siding with US imperialism and the south Korean puppets to promote the insidious aim of "regime change " and to foster the idea of so-called "humanitarian military intervention " in the DPRK as has been done in a number of other countries with disastrous results.

 UK KFA calls for the FCO and British government to end their interference in the DPRK and also to pursue an independent foreign policy free from US influence !




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