Sunday 6 October 2013

South Korean puppet embassy picketed

The International Committee for the Release of Mr Ro Su Hui and the UK KoreanFriendship Association picketed the south Korean embassy on 26th of September   from 4-30pm to 6pm.
                      The picket was attended by members of the  UK Korean FriendshipAssociation , the ASSPUK , Juche Idea Study Group of England as well members ofthe New Communist Party of Britain including its general secretary Brooks whois also honorary chairman of the International Committee For the Release of Mr RoSu Hui.
  The UK KFA Offficial Delegate and Chairman of the Juche Idea StudyGroup of England made a short speech to start the picket he said
" we are here today to protest against the jailing of Mr Ro Su Hui and also the recent arrest of Mr Lee Seok Ki an assemblyman from the Unified Progressive Party

We strongly denounce the south Korean so-called authorities(in reality a gang of fascist puppets who grovel to the American imperialists) for the 4 year jail sentence imposed on vice -chairman Mr Ro Su Hui .
On the 8th of February The Seoul Central District Court of south Korea sentenced Ro Su Hui, vice-chairman of the South Headquarters of the Pan-national Alliance of Korea's Reunification (Pomminryon), to 4 years in prison and 4 years' suspension of qualifications including the denial
of the right to vote in elections It also sentenced the  general secretary of Pomminryon) to three years in prison and three years' suspension of qualifications on charges of violation of the draconian " National Security Law".
This is an outrageous and despotic act against Mr Ro who had simply campaigned for peace and reunification. All he did was to visit the northern half of his own country, this should not be considered a crime.
Mr Ro was subjected to brutal treatment when he crossed back into south Korea and was held without trial for more than 6 months in south Korea. Mr Ro is is over the age of 65 and he is suffering from cancer. This is a most inhuman act of the south Korea regime.
The jail sentence is the action of those who want to create  an atmosphere of fascist terrorism in south Korea  and intimidate those who genuinely aspire after independent reunification

We demand that the jail sentence on Mr Ro is revoked and he is released from jail at
Mr Lee Seok Ki a member of the south Korean National Assembly belonging to theUnified Progressive Party of south Korea was arrested on false charges of rebellionby the fascist regime in south Korea . We also demand his release."
"The charges against Mr Lee is outlandish and clearly fabricated . It is totally inconceivable that a member of the south Korean "national assembly " would plot to foment an armed rebellion. The allegations , cooked up by the south Korean " National Intelligence Service ",are really aimed at banning the Unified Progressive Party and framing its leadership cadres on trumped up charges.Only fascist autocracy would arrest an elected member of a legislative body can be  on falsified charges.

     This shows that south Korea is returning to days of fascist despotism . Under  the fascist puppet regime of Park Chung Hee (father of current south Korean  ruler Ms Park Geun Hye) there were numerous incidents of repression and fabricated cases such as the " case of the People's Revolutionary Party " , " the case of Revolutionary Party for Reunification "  and " the case of the Strategic Liberation party of south Korea " to name just a few . In the second  "People's
Revolutionary party " in 1975 case the Park Chung Hee fascist regime executed 8 leaders of the non-existent party. The fascist regime even went so far as to kidnap Kim Dae Jung the future president of south Korea and threaten to kill  him.
                     South Korea has a long history of fascist repression . The dictator Syngham  Rhee murdered millions and drenched Jeju Island in blood. It is now admitted and formally acknowledged that that the Syngham Rhee fascists killed up to 200,000 people in the so-called "Bodo league " massacre. The Lee case proves that south Korea is reviving the fascist dictatorial system and is returning to the dark days of Syngham Rhee and Park Chung Hee.
                                           The arrest of Mr Lee and the fabrication of charges of  "rebellion " is also aimed at derailing the ongoing process of inter-Korean reconciliation and the  relaxation of tension on the Korean peninsula. The south Korean puppet reactionaries are trying to link the case to the north , the DPRK  thus precipitating another spiral of tension. The present south Korean puppet regime has a two-fold aim , firstly to repress and destroy the pro-reunification and progressive forces within south Korean society ,secondly , to create tension and confrontation with the DPRK.
                                              We ,the Korean Friendship Association , call for the immediate release of Mr Lee and the dropping of all charges against him. Furthermore we call for the release of all pro -reunification patriotic and progressive prisoners in south Korea. We urge the British progressive and labour movement to do more to expose the fascist repression in south Korea.
Material exposing human rights abuses in south Korea was read out as well an articlewhich proved that south Korea is a puppet of the US .
"South Korea is totally dependent on the U.S. in politics, economy, military affairs and all other fields and its ruling quarters are following the U.S. policy in every step and moving at the instructions and under the backstage manipulation of the U.S.
South Koreans' desire for democracy was ruthlessly dampened by the U.S. moves to maintain colonial rule in south Korea, which is being derided as the world biggest barren land of human rights.
The puppet regime is keen on dictatorship and suppression in a bid to cook people's goose for independence, democracy and reunification while serving the U.S. in its policy for colonial domination.
The puppet ruling quarters are maintaining their pro-American dictatorial regime under the patronage of the U.S., violating the people's democratic freedom and rights. This is being led to an action for reviving "yusin" dictatorship under the present regime.
All facts go to prove that human rights can never be ensured without sovereignty.
Outsiders' domination can not go with the independent rights of the popular masses.
South Koreans' democratic rights can never be guaranteed under the U.S. colonial rul
Messages of support were read out including one from Martin Lotscher of the
Switzerland -Korea committee  which was as follows

"Dear comrades and friends,

In my function as 1st vice-chairman of the International Committee for 
the Release of Mr. Ro Su Hui as well as in the name of the Swiss Korea 
Committee (KFA Switzerland) and the Swiss Juche Idea Study Group 
(SJISG) I send you our militant solidarity greetings.
We wish you a full success to your picket of the south Korean puppet 
"embassy" in London on September 26.
The brutal arrest of Mr. Ro Su Hui, vice-chairman of the south side 
Headquarters of the Pan-National Alliance for Korea's Reunification 
(Pomminryon), by the south Korean puppet authorities is a shameful and 
scandalous crime against the whole Korean nation and people.
Mr. Ro Su Hui is a staunch and fine patriot who fights untiringly for 
national reunification. His visit to the Democratic People's Republic 
of Korea (DPRK) to share his compatriot's deep sorrow over the sudden 
demise of Generalissimo *Kim Jong Il* was a noble and moral patriotic 
deed. He did nothing other than to visit the other part of his own 
country which was divided artificially by the US imperialists 68 years 
We demand the unconditional release of Mr. Ro Su Hui!
On the same time, we protest against the arrest of Mr. Lee Sok Ki, 
assemblyman of the Unified Progressive Party (UPP).
The "rebellion case" cooked up by the puppet Intelligence Service (IS) 
against him and other UPP members is another fascist and treacherous 
plot against the patriotic reunification movement of the south Korean 
We demand also the unconditional release of Mr. Lee Sok Ki!

/*Freedom for Mr. Ro Su Hui and Mr. Lee Sok Ki !

Long live the south Korean people's anti-US and pro-reunification struggle !

For the dismantlement of the fascist and treacherous "National 
Security Law" (NSL) !

1st vice-chairman of the International Committee for the Release of 
Mr. Ro Su Hui
Chairman of the Swiss Korea Committee (KFA Switzerland)
Chairman of the Swiss Juche Idea Study Group (SJISG)

Martin Lötscher".

Picketers shouted the following

We also sang "south Korea is a fascist regime " to the tune of the Beatles "Yellow Submarine".

Leaflets were handed out to passers by.

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