Sunday 6 October 2013

ASSPUK , JISGE and UK KFA slam Park Geun Hye's shameless nonsense


                 London 6th of October Juche 102(2013)
                       The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK, the Juche Idea Study Group  of England and UK Korean Friendship Association issued a joint statement denouncing south Korean puppet ruler Park Geun Hye and supporting the stance of the Policy Department of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the statement of the Committee For the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland on the 3rd of October.
 It is really intolerable that the fascist puppet ruler Park Geun Hye has recently slandered and vilified the dignified Democratic People's Republic of Korea and its people-centred socialist system. The south Korean ruler appears to be determined to slam the door shut on the prospect of dialogue and tension reduction and instead wants to take the situation on the Korean peninsula back to the state of near war that existed in March and April .
                                                    It is the height of impudence for Park to say that  the DPRK should "change " , that it should  "open up " and "reform" . "Opening up " and "reform " simply means destroying the people-centred socialist system and making the north Korean people slaves of international monopoly capital as the south Korean people are the slaves of the Jaebols and the US and Japanese monopoly corporations.  The DPRK has proudly marched along the road of Juche-based socialism under the leadership of the great leader President Kim Il Sung and great generalissimo Kim Jong Il . The DPRK has defied imperialist sanctions and blockade and built a strong independent national economy and superior socialist system centred upon the people. People of the DPRK   receive all kinds of social benefits . Thus there is no need for  "reform" or "opening up". Moreover the DPRK will not "collapse " as prattled by the idiots of the south Korean puppet regime and their bought experts. The DPRK will stick to the road of  independence, Songun and socialism forever.
                                South Korea needs to change !. It needs to end its dependence on the US, kick out the US troops and abolish all treaties with the US. It needs to democraticise  by abolishing the hated "national security law",
                                  It is actually the Park Geun Hye fascist regime that faces the prospect of either collapsing or being overthrown. Indeed the repression of the progressive forces in south and the lies and slanders against the socialist DPRK by Park shown that the south Korean regime is not in position of strength but is really in a position of weakness.
                                Now the Park Geun Hye fascist puppets are marching in step with the US imperialists clamouring for "tailored deterrence ".  Thus the road of negating dialogue and inciting confrontation with the DPRK is being pursued  with great intensity by Park Geun Hye.
                                 Park Geun Hye likes to think of herself as a "strong woman" , some call her the "south Korean Thatcher ". Park Geun Hye should do well to remember that Thatcher was a leader who divided a nation, she was loved by the rich and powerful , by the privileged and moneyed but hated by  the working class, the Left , the trade unions and the poor. When Thatcher  finally died the people of many working class areas in the UK came out on to the streets and danced in celebration. Does Park Geun Hye wish to share the same fate as Thatcher and have people dance in the streets when she dies ?


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