Saturday 9 March 2013

DPRK's right to pre-emptive strikes

                     London 9th of March Juche 102(20123)
The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK fully supports the statement of the DPRK Foreign Ministry "Second Korean War is Unavoidable"  We believe that the DPRK's revolutionary armed forces commanded by the dear respected supreme leader Marshal Kim Jong Un has the right of a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the US imperialists in order to defend itself from the aggression of US imperialism.
                        US imperialism is the sworn enemy of the Korean people. It invaded Korea over 100 years. The US imperialists aided and abetted the Japanese imperialists in their occupation of Korea. It was the US imperialists who divided Korea and unleashed the first Korean War in the 1950s. 
 If the US imperialists and south Korean puppets provoke a war then the DPRK will strike back hard not only defending itself but advancing southwards to achieve the cherished goal of national reunification. This would be a just war , a war of liberation . The south Korean people would be liberated from the anti-popular fascist puppet ruling system that oppresses them. They would be free from the rule of the Jaebols and the Yankees. It would be a sacred national reunification war which would end the division of Korea.

Under the banner of Songun the DPRK will win a great victory !



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