Monday 14 January 2013

ASSPUK and JISGE support DPRK Foreign Ministry Memorandum

                                  London 14th January Juche 102 (2013)
      The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK , Juche Idea Study Group of England and UK Korean Friendship Association issued the following joint statement in support on the DPRK Foreign Ministry Memorandum issued on Monday 14th of January.

                                                            We strongly support this memorandum and call for all progressive , anti-imperialist and peace organisations to fully take heed of of it.
      The so-called UN Command in south Korea is an apparition of the US . It is a body that only exists on the whim of the US having  no real connection with the UN  and being  made up of US forces .
                          The US has repeatedly broken the Korean Armstice Agreement  in fact effectively driving a cart and horses through it by actions such as introducing nuclear weapons into the Korean peninsula and tried involve south Korea in the Military Armistice Commission which was illegitimate as south Korea did not sign the Korean Armistice Agreement . It is the US that ignored the stipulation of the Korean Armistice Agreement that a political conference should be held and all foreign troops withdrawn from Korea.
          The DPRK has repeatedly put on the table the just proposal to replace the Korean Armistice Agreement with a permanent peace treaty but the  US has wilfully ignored this.
                                                                The United Nations voted back in 1975 to dissolve the"UN Command" but the US sidestepped this thus ignoring the will of the international community and peoples of the whole world.
           We strongly condemn and utterly oppose the attempts of the US imperialists to create a "mini NATO" in East Asia under the deceptive guise of the so-calledUN Command in south Korea. NATO is an aggressive warmongering alliance headed by the US and composed of it 's vassal states and other imperialist powers. It has been a hotbed of war and tension . Any attempt to rig up a variant of NATO in East Asia would be truly disastrous and would bring down great misfortunes on to the region.
                                The essence of the US scheme to transform the ghost-like and decreipt UNC into a" multi-national forces command " is to create a coalition tostifle Korean style Juche-based socialism by force as well increasing US domination and interference in the Asia -Pacific region.
                          We support the demand of the DPRK Foreign Ministry for the final and long overdue dissolution of the the" UN command" in south Korea. We believe that it is only just and correct that the DPRK should strengthen its
war deterrence in every way.


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