Friday 12 October 2012

Special Article of UK KFA, ASSPUK and JISGE- DPRK has the right to defend itself

On October 7th South Korea and the USA announced that they would extend there current long rage ballistic missile system to cover 800km, nearly tripling its existing 300km range.
The US and South Korean puppets have been on a constant propaganda campaign with the outside world to try and bring this new system into effect much sooner. However protest from Japan and other neighbouring countries, as the new range now includes parts of Japan and China, would have easily escalated into, what the US feared, a regional arms race.
So what was there argument for the sudden change in policy? A satellite launch!
In April this year the DPRK, as part of there celebrations in honour of the 100th anniversary of the birth of comrade Kim Il-Sung, planed on sending a observation satellite into orbit. Unfortunately the rocket failed to leave earths atmosphere causing the USA and its puppet allies to regurgitate lies and myths about the launch. The imperialists have engaged in a propaganda campaign stating that the satellite launch was a cover story for the DPRK to test fire a long range ballistic weapon. Right from the DPRK's announcement of the planned launch the DPRK government was always open and informative with its rocket, satellite and intentions, foreign media was allowed complete access to the launch and were allowed total freedom. Despite this openness the DPRK has still been painted as an 'evil villain' intent on testing weapons of mass destruction, blatant lies that can easily be exposed as such with a little investigation.
The need to increase the range of a ballistic missile for defence makes about as much sense as a blind person pointing a gun at an innocent person just in case they try to shoot them first. Firstly if the innocent person feels threatened by the fact that they have a gun pointing at them then they are more likely to arm them selves. Secondly if the person does decide to pull out a gun and shoot the blind person then there's nothing the blind person can do to prevent this as the blind persons gun is useless in the event of them being shot, the blind persons only use of there gun is to shoot first not second. The same applies to the Korean peninsula's current situation, with the South Korea being the blind person with a gun. If there intention really was for defence then they would have instead created a anti-ballistic missile defence system, not a long range ballistic missile system. After observing these points I hope you can realise the true aggressive intent behind the USA and South Korea's actions on this matter.
We at the Korean friendship association are committed to brining to the world the DPRK's 'side of the story' doing so is not just our duty but our passion.
In the immortal words of comrade Ernesto "Che" Guevara, who's 45th anniversary of his assassination by the hands of the US imperialists and Bolivian puppets was just commemorated,"¡Hasta la Victoria Siempre!" (Until victory, always!).
Long live the DPRK!

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