Friday 24 August 2012

43rd Anniversary of the formation of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front of south Korea

                                  London 24th August Juche 101(2012)
                   The 25th of August is the  43rd anniversary of the foundation of the Revolutionary Party for Reunification which is the proud and valiant forerunner of today's Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front of south Korea , the vanguard force of the south Korean revolution that  fights for the independence and democratisation of south Korea and advances militantly towards the sacred goal of reunification.
                                The RPR was founded on the 25 of August 1969 by the south Korean revolutionaries inspired by the teachings of the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung on the south Korean revolution and the immortal Juche idea. The great leader president Kim Il Sung taught that the south Korean revolution is both a national liberation revolution against US imperialism and at a the same time a democratic revolution against the comprador capitalists, landlords and bureaucrats . Furthermore President Kim Il Sung taught the workers, peasants and popular masses of south Korea must have their own party.   The south Korean workers and peasants came to have their own vanguard party guided by the Juche idea.
Leaders of the RPR such as Kim Jong Tae and Choi Young Do were murdered by the south Korean puppet fascist regime becoming martyrs for the south Korean revolution and the reunification of the country . The RPR fought hard against the south Korean puppet regime and the US imperialists using all forms of struggle , legal and illegal, violent and non-violent . The RPR , guided by the great Juche idea, not only struggled against the south Korean fascist  puppet regime
but also against revisionism, flunkeyism ,great power chauvinism, opportunism, dogmatism and factionalism.
The RPR to reflect the mass democratic struggles in the 1980s against the fascist Chun regime of south Korea became the National Democratic Front of south Korea . The NDFSK played a valiant role in the struggle to democratise south Korea and overthrow the Chun-Roh fascists. During the late 1980s south Korean students and youth , risking jail or even death, studied the Juche idea

Later the NDFSK became the Anti-imperialist National Democratic Front of south Korea. Today the AINDF is fighting hard against the neo-colonial fascist regime of Lee Myung Bak, the traitor and to the Korean nation.

The ASSPUK , JISGE and UK KFA salute the AINDF on its 43rd anniversary . We are very proud to have such fine comrades as the AINDF. May the struggle of the AINDF win final victory !
Long live the AINDF
Long live the south Korean revolution.

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