Thursday 10 May 2012

The Line of the Korean Revolution

DPRK’s supreme leader Kim Jong Un’s visit to the Mangyongdae Revolutionary School on lunar New Year’s Day is attracting the attention of the international community.
The school situated in the sacred place of the Korean revolution, birthplace of President Kim Il Sung, founding father of socialist Korea, is the educational institution for the bereaved children of the revolutionary martyrs and the base of bringing up the backbone of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the Korean revolution.
The school bears the lofty feelings of obligation of the Korean leaders shown for their revolutionary comrades and their great affection and trust bestowed on the children left by the revolutionary martyrs.
        Immediately after he had liberated Korea from the military occupation of the Japanese imperialists President Kim Il Sung paid deep attention to bringing up the children of the revolutionary martyrs into the reliable successors of the socialist cause and the backbone and hardcore force which would carry forward the Korean revolution. To this end he established the Mangyongdae                       Revolutionary School in October 1947 for the children of the revolutionary
martyrs, bereft of their parents and maltreated in the alien land, to grow into the pillars of the county.
       Leader Kim Jong Il studied at the school with the children of the revolutionary martyrs in the grim days of the Korean war (1950-1953) unleashed by the United States, and, throughout his whole life of leading the Korean revolution, exerted all his efforts to strengthening and developing the school as intended by the President. The school’s history records an important chapter telling about his visit to the school on the morning of New Year’s Day of 1997 and congratulated the teaching staff and students and his letter titled,  Mangyongdae Revolutionary School Is a Base for Training the Core Backbone Who Would Carry Forward the Line of Juche, sent to mark the 50th founding anniversary of the school.
At present studying at this school are the children of those who sacrificed their lives for national defence and the struggle of building socialism and reunifying the country.
Supreme leader Kim Jong Un visited this school on the occasion of the lunar New Year’s Day. Saying that he came to see how the schoolchildren were celebrating the holiday, he approached the cheering children to ask them why they were bare-handed in the cold weather and if their hands were not cold while passing his hands over their flushed faces. His image was indeed identical to President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il who were the benevolent fathers of the Korean people.
That day he made the rounds of different lecture rooms and laboratories that were provided with the excellent educational environment and fully equipped with the scientific and educational facilities to learn in detail about education in the school. He was very satisfied with the successes gained by the teaching staff and the students and highly praised them. He acquainted himself with the life of the students while looking round the bedrooms, mess hall and the rooms for the children’s union and the youth league and told the officials that they should provide all conditions in order for the students to live in warm rooms even in cold winter. In the mess hall he saw them enjoying delicious dishes prepared for the lunar New Year’s day before taking possible measures to improve their dietary life, and in the birthday room he earnestly requested the officials to take parental care of the schoolchildren as they think of their parents above anybody else on their birthdays so that they do not feel the slightest gloom. Saying that the rubber sheets should be laid on the floor of outdoor basketball and volleyball courts, he felt himself the floor in the gymnasium and said it should be smoothed in order for the students not to be injured while taking exercise. Going round the e-library and hall he acquainted himself with all the conditions for their study and cultural life and took necessary steps. He said that he felt as if he visited his native home as he looked round the school, and continued that he was firmly resolved to carry out the revolution to the end.
   Pointing out the important duty of the Mangyongdae Revolutionary School with its heavy mission of training the backbone and hardcore force which would firmly carry forward the Korean revolution holding high the red flag, he put forward the programmatic tasks that would serve as guidelines in the education at and management of the school. Before leaving the school he again earnestly said to the officials that he entrusted on them the children, precious treasure of
our revolution.
Along with the images of President Kim Il Sung who delivered a congratulatory speech at the inaugural ceremony of the school in October 1947 and leader Kim Jong Il who visited the school on the morning of the New Year’s Day of 1997 in the snowstorm, the image of supreme leader Kim Jong Un who spent long time with the schoolchildren on lunar New Year’s Day of 2012 will be inscribed in the heart of all the Korean people as a benevolent father of the bereaved children of revolutionary martyrs.
The traditions of the Korean revolution are being inherited thanks to the warm love and great trust of the Korean leaders through generations.
The cause of socialist Korea will be brilliantly carried forward and accomplished with credit.

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