Tuesday 14 February 2012

Title of Generalissimo Awarded to Kim Jong Il

Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- The title of Generalissimo of the DPRK was awarded to leader Kim Jong Il in the DPRK.

A relevant decree of the Central Committee and the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea, the DPRK National Defence Commission and the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly was issued on Tuesday.

Kim Jong Il strengthened the Korean People's Army founded and led by Generalissimo Kim Il Sung along the path of victory and glory, honorably defended the socialist country and the destiny of the nation and made immortal contribution to global peace and stability.

He turned the DPRK into a military power with his invincible Songun revolutionary leadership and led the stand-off with imperialism and the U.S. to victory, thus performing undying feats before the country and the revolution. -0-

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