Saturday 1 October 2011

Statement of the UK KFA , ASSPUK and UK KFA denouncing SK puppet pysch war against DPRK !


London 1st of October Juche 100 (2011)

Today , on learning of the statement issued by the DPRK Ministry of Post and Telecommunications regarding the Anti DPRK psychological warfare waged by the south Korean neo-colonial fascist puppet clique, the Association For the Study of Songun Politics in co-operation with the Juche Idea Study Group of England and the UK Korean Friendship Association , issued the following statement .
We condemn the south Korean fascist colonial regime of Lee Myung Bak for attempting to poision the people of the western areas of the DPRK with its malignant and lying broadcasting.
The Lee regime is doing the bidding of the CIA and global capitalism in trying to overthrow the socialist system of the DPRK by vile and insidious psychological warfare.
This is yet another attempt to extend the colonial rule of the US to the north of Korea. South Korea is not a democracy but an anti-popular fascist regime which continually arrests people all the time and in which the gap between rich and poor continually widen.
The actions of the Lee regime are a violation of the DPRK's independence and sovereignty . Moreover such actions are in violation of international laws and treaties.
We support the statement of the DPRK Ministry of Telecommunications and fully endorse its sentiments. Those so called "defectors" who take part in the anti DPRK psychological warfare are just criminal human scum who betrayed the DPRK just to have dollars in their pockets.
We demand that the south Korean puppets cease their actions straight away and support the right of the DPRK to take whatever counter-measures necessary to defend people-centred socialism and its independent dignity.

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