Thursday 28 July 2011

Free Medical Care System Introduced in DPRK in Wartime

Pyongyang, July 28 (KCNA) -- The DPRK introduced a universal, free medical care system in the country in the period of the hard-fought Fatherland Liberation War (1950-1953).

One January day in Juche 41 (1952), an official of the Ministry of Public Health, was summoned by President Kim Il Sung to the supreme command of the Korean People's Army.

Some days ago, the official had submitted to the President a suggestion that a large amount of money should be allocated to killing germs spread by the U.S. through bombs.

When he arrived at the supreme command, the President told him that the Korean people were fighting at the cost of their lives in both front and rear for the victory in the war and that a free medical care system should be applied to them.

The official was surprised by what the President said because he knew well that the country, though it was at war, should allot a huge amount of money for a universal, free medical care system.

The President went on to say though the economic situation of the country was difficult, a free medical treatment system was necessary to promote public health. Nothing is more important than the people's health, he added.

The cabinet made public a decision on November 13, 1952, to introduce a universal, free medical care system in the country.

The landmark decision stirred up the hearts of all people. -0

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