Thursday 26 February 2009


Nefarious Anti-reunification Moves

There were adopted agreements in the past between the north and the south of Korea on alleviating the political and military confrontation including the issues of mutual respect of ideology and system, stopping smear campaigns, preventing armed conflicts.

However, none of such agreements has been honored owing to the intentional breaches of the successive regimes in south Korea.

The agreement on reconciliation, non-aggression, cooperation and exchange between the north and the south, concluded in 1991, became dead document by traitor Kim Young-sam who came into power in 1993. As soon as he took power, he ran amuck to deliberately disparage and violate the agreed points keeping in mind a wild ambition of the so-called “system unification” by dint of force.

The traitor unhesitatingly resumed the dangerous “Team Spirit” joint military exercises which were halted in his preceding military regime, thus totally trampled upon the inter-Korean agreements.

Traitor Lee Myong-bak who took power last year made a mess of the June 15 era of reunification and the achievements brought about by the concerted efforts of the nation, and extremely strained the inter-Korean relations in less than one year of his office.

As soon as he took power, he ignored the June 15 joint declaration and the October 4 declaration, and blustered about the inter-Korean agreements in the past as if he was concerned about their implementation.

The traitor put up as the policy of “toward north” the sycophantic and anti-reunification and confrontational theory of “No-nukes, opening and $ 3 000”. It was a crime which undisguisedly violated the agreement adopted between the north and the south to recognize and respect the other side’s ideology and system.

He kicked up a “human rights” racket against the DPRK even on the international arena and is hell-bent on scattering provocative leaflets and tricky broadcasting aimed at slandering the north.

Moreover, the traitor slandered it which none of successive rulers dared do, got frantic in political provocations to defame the DPRK’s supreme dignity, clamored of “preemptive attack” and unreservedly declared that his ulterior aim is the unification under the liberal democratic system, and ran amuck in war moves against the north.

By no means can the true colors of traitor Lee, destroyer and violator of the inter-Korean agreements, who ruthlessly trampled upon the agreed points and drove the inter-Korean relations into a catastrophe, be covered up.

Traitor Lee Myong-bak cannot escape the more miserable destiny than traitor Kim Young-sam who could not have even a chance to hold talks with the north during his 5 year-tenure and was thrown into the dumping ground of history.

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