Tuesday 10 September 2024

Sovereignty and Independency ,New International Relations and the Juche Idea - contribution of Dr Dermot Hudson to the European Regional Seminar on the Juche Idea 08.09.2024

The concepts of sovereignty and independence are integral to the great Juche idea that was authored by  the great leader President KIM IL SUNG  and developed in depth by the great leader  Chairman KIM JONG IL  .As President KIM IL SUNG said to a Venezuelan politician in 1981 “ Independence is the life and soul of the country and people. All countries from their inception have sovereignty. A country without sovereignty cannot be truly called an independent state”

 As comrade KIM JONG IL explained in his classic work “On the Juche Idea “ ;

 “Maintaining independence in politics means upholding  national independence and sovereignty of one’s people, defending their interests and conducting politics by relying on them. “

The Juche idea can and will make a big contribution to the struggle for new international relations based on independence and sovereignty . Indeed the World Congress on the Juche Idea held in April 2012 declared that “The Juche idea is now striking its root deep in the minds of the world progressives and becomes a recognized guiding ideology that represents not only the present era but the whole historical era of humankind.

The popular masses’ struggle to build a new independent world free from domination and subjugation, intervention and pressure under the banner of the Juche idea will surely win victory.”

Under the leadership of President KIM IL SUNG , Chairman KIM JONG IL and respected Marshal KIM JONG UN  , the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has always maintained independence and sovereignty in all fields such as politics , the economy  and defence. The Juche idea forms a solid and indestructible foundation of the DPRK’s independence and sovereignty . The DPRK rejected imperialist , dominationist and big power chauvinist domination ,building an independent people’s country . The DPRK has an independent national economy which is fully capable of meeting its people’s needs and able to stand on its own two feet . The DPRK had its borders closed for 4 years but was able to survive when others could not last 2 or 3 days . The DPRK does not have foreign troops stationed on its soil and is not a member of any military bloc such as NATO . In the past the DPRK , a socialist country , did not join the Warsaw Pact of those socialist countries aligned to the USSR.

The DPRK  is a model country of true independence and sovereignty . This fact is acknowledged by friend and foe alike . Indeed the DPRK is hated and feared by the imperialists because it is so independent and is upholding the banner of independence as well as the banner of socialism.

The DPRK takes pride of place among independent nations and is a friend of independent countries throughout the world .In the field of foreign policy the DPRK advocates independence , peace and friendship , which forms the cornerstone of its foreign policy  and is a good example to the world .

As the great leader President KIM IL SUNG  correctly pointed out “ This is an age of independence “

The last decades of the 20th century saw great and tumultuous  changes in the world ; empires that had lasted for centuries and on which the “sun never set “  disappeared or shrunk . After 1960 many countries in Africa and Asia became independent or at least in name . In 1960 itself  17 countries gained their independence.Many new states were born with the names of some countries changing forever , for example Rhodesia (which was named after the British imperialist Cecil Rhodes ) became Zimbabwe .

President KIM IL SUNG made sure that the DPRK stood on the side of the people’s fighting imperialism . The DPRK was first to recognise the independence of many African and Asian countries  .President KIM IL SUNG directed the DPRK to give active military assistance to  Cuba , Vietnam , Egypt , Angola and other countries . In Vietnam, KPA air force pilots fought alongside the Vietnamese people , the KPA also sent tunnelling and engineering experts to Vietnam . In Egypt the KPA Air Force fought in the 1973 Middle East  War against the Israeli aggressors. Also the DPRK sent  agricultural technicians and engineers to many third world countries such as Madagascar , Tanzania , Togo, Central Africa, Benin ,Guinea, Egypt , Rwanda , Burkina Faso, Ghana and the Seychelles . Agricultural institutes bearing the name of KIM IL SUNG were established in Guinea and Tanzania . This was genuine aid as opposed to the fake aid of the imperialists which aims only to corrupt and enslave newly independent countries .

 Later the DPRK under the leadership of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL actively opposed US imperialist intervention and warmongering. In 1999 when Yugoslavia was attacked by the US imperialists and the NATO aggressors the DPRK strongly denounced it and held a meeting in support of Yugoslavia. The DPRK opposed both the Afghan and Iraq wars of US imperialism. In 2005 the World Conference on the Anti-Imperialist Cause of Independence in the 21st Century under the sponsorship of the DPRK was held in Caracas the capital of anti-imperialist Venezuela. The conference adopted a declaration which concluded that "All the countries and nations advocating independence should firmly preserve the Juche character and national identity and settle problems arising in all fields including politics, economy, military and foreign affairs their own way, it noted, underscoring the need to boost the international unity and solidarity among the anti-imperialist independent forces and intensify the study and dissemination of the Juche idea and the Songun idea".

Today the DPRK is actively supporting the struggle against imperialism and for new international relations based squarely on independence and sovereignty .At the 8th Congress of the Workers Party of Korea held in January 2021  respected Marshal KIM JONG UN stressed that the DPRK should  hold fast to the principle of independence in its activities, The DPRK led by respected Marshal KIM JONG UN is contributing to the global struggle against US imperialism by facing down the aggressive moves of the US imperialists on the Korean peninsula .It is bolstering its self-defensive potentials all the time striking horror into the US imperialists and other hostile forces .

In the international arena the DPRK is supporting and encouraging the Palestinian people . It has also supported the Russian people in their struggle against the expansion of NATO .

Guided by the Juche idea and the example of the DPRK the people of the world will surely defeat imperialism led by the US and build a new world of independence without exploitation , domination and oppression .

Dr Dermot Hudson

Chairman of the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea

Chairman Korean Friendship Association UK


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