Tuesday 10 September 2024

.People’s Korea Overcomes Flooding Under Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN’s leadership(article originally published in "People's Korea Today ")


On the 27th of July the north western part of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK ) , which borders China , was hit by very heavy rain and the water levels of the River Amnok went past the danger level . This caused flooding with some 5,000 people in island areas in the city of Sinuiju and Uiju County of North Phyongan Province.

Of course flooding affects many countries in the world including the UK so flooding should not be seen as a problem that only affects the DPRK although some of the mainstream media and fake “north Korea experts “ (who are paid by the CIA or south Korea ) have tried to pretend that flooding is something that only occurs in the DPRK . Some media tried to even blame the DPRK for the flooding by referring to “dilapidated infrastructure “etc but this ignored the fact that the flooding actually occurred in the area surrounding the Amnok-gang river which forms the boundary with China and one side of the river is controlled by China , Moreover the DPRK in the past few years has launched a massive programme of socialist rural construction .

Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN , a man of action and a true people’s leader, lost no time in responding to the situation . He ordered leading officials of the Party, government and military to be dispatched rapidly to the affected  and helicopters of the Air Force of the Korean People’s Army (KPA) and various kinds of lifeboats of the Navy and a maritime guard formation of the Border Guards were promptly committed to the operation for rescuing the inhabitants.10  helicopters of the KPA Air Force took part in the rescue operation making 20 rounds of shuttle flights .

Marshal KIM JONG UN went to the flood affected area on the 28th of July . He met the KPA pilots who took part in the rescue operation . Significantly no lives were lost despite the serious flooding . Marshal KIM JONG UN met those who had been rescued by the KPA Air Force .


On the 29th of July to the 30th of July , the 22nd Emergency enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the Workers Party of Korea was held in city of Sinuiju, North Phyongan Province. DPRK  with the aim of taking immediate action to rehabilitate the flood affected area . Prior to the meeting, respected Marshal KIM JONG UN inspected the flood damaged areas on board a small rubber dinghy .

Contrast this to the actions of the British prime minister Keir Starmer who failed to visit cities like Sunderland , Middlesbrough , Liverpool and other places which had been affected by the recent destructive riots in the UK . In February 2020 many parts of the UK were affected by flooding caused by Storm Dennis . Several fatalities occurred . However the then Prime Minister Boris Johnson failed to visit the affected areas but stayed in his country residence in Kent .

On the 7th of August Marshal KIM JONG UN dispatched the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade to the flood affected areas to repair the damage .

On the 8th and 9th of August respected Marshal KIM JONG UN visited the flood-hit area in Uiju County of North Phyongan Province for the 3rd time . He met the flood victims who were living in temporary shelters . He brought sweets for the children . It was decided that the flood victims would be taken to Pyongyang and accommodated there  until new homes were built for them .

On the 15th of August , the Day of Korea’s Liberation from Japanese imperialist rule , the flood victims arrived in Pyongyang and were welcomed by respected Marshal KIM JONG UN himself. They were accommodated at the April 25th Hostel in Pyongyang which is  usually used to accommodate participants in KPA military parades in Pyongyang . The children of flood victims received gifts of clothes and school things and measures were taken for their education .

All the above shows that the advanced socialist system of the DPRK is truly for the people , it is really people-oriented . Moreover Marshal KIM JONG UN really cares for the people . In capitalist countries such as the UK ,US ,Spain , Germany and Poland flood victims received little or no help from the authorities . For example the victims of Hurricane Katrina in the USA received little assistance from the US authorities . In the UK some people were still homeless years after the Grenfell Tower fire disaster .The Western capitalist countries should put their own house in order before they throw stones at the DPRK !

(Dr Dermot Hudson ,general chairman KFA UK / deputy editor /reviewer PKT )

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