Thursday 15 August 2024

Bringing about Great Event of National Liberation

 From Voice of Korea.

In the 1940s the Japanese imperialists attempted to expand the war to southeast Asia without concluding the war of aggression on China proper in a bid to realize their wild ambition of "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere".
On the other hand, they further intensified the large-scale "punitive" offensives against the Korean People's Revolutionary Army and the oppression and plunder against the Korean people to ensure the "security of the rear".
In August Juche 29(1940), the great leader Kim Il Sung presented a strategic policy on preparing for the great event of national liberation while avoiding losses in reckless battles and preserving and accumulating the revolutionary forces on our own initiative.
In February Juche 32(1943), he put forward the three-point line of national liberation whose contents are the general offensive of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army, all-people uprising in response to it and combined operations of the all-people resistance organizations in the rear.
He took measures to establish secret bases and organize armed units across the country and trained them.
And he expanded the Association for the Restoration of the Fatherland throughout the country to rally all the forces against the Japanese imperialists.
Under his wise leadership, broad masses of the people were united as a political force and many armed units organized in all parts of the country.


In June Juche 34(1945), Kim Il Sung came out to the Kanbaeksan Secret Camp to present the operation plan of final offensive for national liberation and confirm the combat missions of the units that gathered there.
He saw that the units which gathered around Mt. Kanbaek advanced through the prearranged routes to liberate the provinces and those at the training bases in the Far East promptly advanced to Pyongyang and different other regions by air to take the already-built secret bases and conduct military operations with a blitz.
And he ensured that the small units and political operatives of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army active at home increased the number of resistance organizations on a large scale and inspired the masses to the all-people resistance to make the entire nation join in the advance of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army throughout the country.
After dispatching many small units and groups to the homeland before the final decisive battle, he gave all the guerrilla units, people's armed units and resistance organizations the tasks to liquidate the government organs for colonial rule, protect lives and property of the people and establish the party and people's power organs after completely annihilating the enemy.
Kim Il Sung issued an order to all units and entire commanding officers and soldiers of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army to launch a general offensive for national liberation on August 9, Juche 34(1945).
The units of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army broke through the enemy's strongholds along the border all at once and constantly expanded successes in the battles, and destroyed the aggressive armed forces and the foundation of the colonial rule of the Japanese imperialists by a close joint operation with the small units and groups dispatched to the homeland.
Having suffered a decisive blow by the fierce attack of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army and the all-people resistance, the Japanese imperialists finally surrendered at discretion on August 15, Juche 34(1945).
Indeed, Kim Il Sung was a peerless patriot and hero of the nation who liberated Korea by leading the 20-year-long bloody anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle to victory.

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