Monday 19 August 2024

BGSJI and KFA UK support press statement of DPRK Foreign Ministry titled "U.S. and its following forces will be made to pay dear price for their irresponsible act"



         19th of August  Juche 113(2024)

The British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJI), and the  Korean Friendship Association of the UK (KFA UK )  , issued a joint statement in support of the press statement "U.S. and its following forces will be made to pay dear price for their irresponsible act" issued by the DPRK Foreign Ministry on the 18th of August :

Recently , the Ukraine fascist regime launched an invasion of the Russian Federation killing many innocent civilians . The DPRK Foreign Ministry in its press statement titled  "U.S. and its following forces will be made to pay dear price for their irresponsible act " strongly denounced the dangerous action of the Ukrainian fascists pointing out that " unpardonable act of aggression and terrorism seriously encroaching upon the territorial integrity and security of a sovereign state and mercilessly killing peaceable civilians".

As the DPRK Foreign Ministry correctly points out it is really the US and other Western countries that manipulated Ukraine into attacking and invading Russia . Indeed the Ukrainian fascists are actually using weapons that were supplied by Britain , the US and other Western countries . Indeed as the press statement of the DPRK Foreign Ministry says "The U.S. and its followers are held wholly responsible for the recent incident which can drive the whole of Europe into a new all-out war".

We concur with the analysis of the DPRK Foreign Ministry and denounce the Ukrainian fascists and their US and Western backers for their aggression against the Russian Federation .



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