Tuesday 27 August 2024

BGSJI and KFA UK on the 97th anniversary of the foundation of the Young Communist League of Korea



                                           27th  of August Juche 113(2024)
The British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea  and the  Korean Friendship Association of the UK (KFA UK) issued a joint statement on the 97th anniversary of the foundation of the Young Communist League of Korea (YCLK) by the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG

    Th 28th of August is  the 97th anniversary of the foundation of the Young Communist League of Korea , the proud revolutionary forerunner of today's Socialist Patriotic Youth League In the DPRK the 28th of August is proudly celebrated as Youth Day.
   On the 28th of August 1927 the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG formed the Young Communist League of Korea with members of the Anti-Imperialist Youth League of Korea which in turn had been formed with members from the Down -With -Imperialism Union the first communist revolutionary organisation .
   The formation of the YCLK opened a new chapter in the history of the Juche-orientated communist movement in Korea . The great leader comrade KIM JONG IL wrote that "Under the leadership of respected Comrade Kim II Sung during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, the young communists and other young patriots blazed the trail for the Korean revolution, defeated Japanese imperialism and accomplished the historic cause of liberating the country. In the course of the noble struggle for national liberation waged under his wise leadership, the Korean communist youth movement originated and its glorious traditions were established. "
  The great leader President KIM IL SUNG thus formed a new communist revolutionary movement in Korea based on youth that was completely from the poison of factionalism and totally committed to anti-imperialist and communist revolutionary ideas .
   The tradition of attaching great importance to youth work was established by the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG . In some former socialist countries youth were regarded as a source of trouble as they were frequently the first to succumb to the imperialist ideological and cultural infiltration but in People's Korea youth are the pride of the nation , they are the vanguard and shock brigade of socialist construction .
  We congratulate the Korean people on the 97th anniversary of the foundation of the Young Communist League of Korea.

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