Thursday 11 July 2024

Report of European Regional Hybrid Seminar on the Exploits of President KIM IL SUNG 08.07.2024


The hybrid seminar “Exploits of President KIM IL SUNG “ held under the auspices of the European Regional Committee for Friendship with the Korean People and the Korean Friendship Association (KFA) Germany  at 1500 hours BST . It was held at the Ziegenhals Memorial Centre , Berlin and online .

The meeting was presided over by Jeremy Bierenger, Official Delegate of KFA for Germany and had the direct in person participation of members of KFA Germany , the Denmark -DPRK Friendship Association and the France -Korea Friendship Association . Participating online was KFA UK Chairman Dr Dermot Hudson  and Christer Lundgren , Chairman of the Sweden-Korea Friendship Association . People from the following countries also joined the meeting online ; UK(including Scotland ) Austria , Germany , Iceland , Italy ,Nepal , Pakistan , Poland, Russia , Spain and Sweden.

Dr Hudson read out the message of the Korea Europe Cultural Exchange Promotion Agency which said in part “ Every year this day since 1994, the Korean people and the world progressives solemnly remember the peerless great man and his great exploits accomplished for the Korean revolution and the global independence.

Just reading through the contributions to this Seminar by its participants, we learn more about the great feats performed by comrade Kim Il Sung in his lifetime and about what a high admiration and respect he enjoys from the world people.

The keynote address of Martin Lotscher, head of KFA Switzerland, was read out by Dr Hudson .In the speech comrade Martin explained that “ We remember him with greatest admiration. The great Leader Comrade KIM IL SUNG was the greatest man of all great men, the bright sun of Juche.

He fought untiringly for Korea's liberation and for the happiness of the Korean nation and people.

After having defeated the Japanese imperialists, he brought freedom and independence to the Korean people.

Dr Hudson also read out the speech of comrade Alejandro Cao De Benos ,President of KFA who was unable to participate in the event due to the repressive actions of the reactionary Spanish authorities who are puppets of the US imperialists .Comrade Alejandro described President KIM IL SUNG as a monumental figure in world history and also stressed that “Eternal President Kim Il Sung was more than just a leader; he was the founding father of the nation and people, a visionary who dedicated his life to the liberation, unity, and prosperity of Korea “

In his own speech Dr Hudson recalled how he  heard the news of the sudden demise of President KIM IL SUNG after returning from a visit to the DPRK in June 1994 . Dr Hudson said that “Indeed  the exploits of President KIM IL SUNG were great and manifold . In fact he was the father of  modern Korea and the founder of socialist Korea. He authored the great Juche idea , the unique and perfect revolutionary idea. It was President KIM IL SUNG who won independence for Korea by putting the national liberation struggle on a Juche basis . He was the ever-victorious iron-willed brilliant commander who vanquished the  US imperialists when they tried to invade the DPRK in the 1950s.”

Jeremy Birenger , Official Delegate of KFA Germany in his speech pointed out that “This way he was able to create a socialist paradise with the right to work, that means there is not a single unemployed person in People´s Korea, not one! Compare that to the richest imperialist power in the world, the US where you have even according to official statistics up to 6.1 million unemployed.”

The speech of Sara Russo, Organisation Secretary of KFA Germany was read out by Dr Hudson , it said in part “President KIM IL SUNG achieved independence for the Korean people who had been without a country during the dark years of Japanese colonial rule . He built an independent people’s country by applying the Juche idea which he authored”

The meeting was addressed by representatives of the Denmark-DPRK Friendship Association and the France-Korea Friendship Association.

Speeches from KFA Italy and the Warsaw Juche Idea Study Group  given online . PR Pant of the Nepal -Korea Friendship Association and Javed Ansari of the Pakistan -Korea Friendship Association participated in the meeting online and addressed the meeting .

Speeches from Alan Bolon , KFA UK Organisation Secretary , KFA Croatia and KFA Russia were read out .

A letter to dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN was adopted by the meeting.

The documentary clip “ Kim Il Sung, a revolutionary till his last moments” from “The Year 1994 of The Great Career".

The online part of the meeting concluded at 1710 hours BST.


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