Thursday 4 July 2024

Great Idea Followed by Mankind


From Voice of Korea

  In the human history of thought there were many progressive ideas that contributed to the social development. But there has never been such an encyclopaedic revolutionary idea as the Juche idea which comprehensively indicates the theory, strategy and tactics, and methodology of revolution at all stages and in all fields of the struggle for achieving independence of the masses of the people.

  The Juche idea is, in a nutshell, an idea that man is the master of his destiny and he has also the strength to hew out his destiny. In other words, it is an idea that the masses of the people are the masters of the revolution and construction and have the strength to promote them.

  The great leader Kim Il Sung, father of socialist Korea, created the Juche idea and opened a new road of revolution making it possible for the masses of the people to shape their destiny independently and creatively as the masters of their destiny.

  In retrospect, the masses of the people were subjected to ignorance, exploitation and oppression for a long time. They tried in every way to rid themselves of all sorts of subjugation and fetters, but their independence was violated too long because they didn't know the value of their existence.

  It is none other than Kim Il Sung that created the Juche idea for the masses of the people to have a clear understanding of the value of their existence and their inexhaustible strength and made them masters of the times and history.

  The Korean revolution could advance vigorously thanks to the Juche idea which most correctly reflects the demand of the times and the developing revolution and the desire of the people and gives perfect answers to all the theoretical and practical problems arising in the revolution and construction.

  As they firmly maintained the Juche idea, the Korean people, who were groaning under the oppression of outside forces in the last century, could proudly emerge as the masters of their destiny on the stage of history, put an end to tens of-year-long vicious colonial rule and build a powerful country independent in politics, self-supporting in the economy and self-reliant in national defence.

  It is a clear demonstration of the strength of the truth of the great Juche idea that the era of our-state-first principle, a new era of self-respect and prosperity, has opened on this land and the dignity and prestige of the Korean people have been put on the highest plane.

  The Juche idea authored by Kim Il Sung was comprehensively systematized and developed in depth by his successor--the great leader Kim Jong Il.

  The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un formulated the revolutionary idea of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il as Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism and clarified Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism as the eternal guiding idea of the Workers' Party of Korea and the Korean revolution.

  Today the Juche idea has become a powerful ideological and theoretical weapon and ever-victorious revolutionary banner giving strength and courage and confidence in sure victory to the world progressive people advancing along the road of independence.

  There are many Juche idea followers in the world.

  They follow the Juche idea as they believe that it is a great idea enabling humankind to hew out their destiny correctly.

  The Juche idea study organization was formed for the first time in Mali in April 1969. Since then, more than 1,000 Juche idea study organizations have been formed in over 100 countries of the world over tens of yeas and the continental, national and regional study and dissemination system established in good order.

  An international seminar on "Independence, Sovereignty and Social Development" was held in Rome of Italy in September last year under the sponsorship of the International Institute of the Juche Idea.

  Participants in the seminar said the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, under the leadership of Kim Jong Un, is working incredible miracles in all fields by consistently applying the principle of independence despite the complicated international situation that the high-handedness and arbitrariness of the imperialists are rampant. This clearly demonstrates the invariable truth and vitality of the Juche idea, gives strength and encouragement to the people in those countries following the road of anti-imperialist independence. It is the Juche idea that hauls the trend of global independence and leads mankind to the future of socialism and communism, they stressed in unison.

  Nearly one century has passed since the Juche idea was created but it shines as ever as the banner of life and struggle of the masses of the people and as the idea representing the present and future of mankind.

  Kim Jong Un is leading the cause of independence of the masses of the people to victory, holding Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism higher as the banner of the times.

  The cause of global independence will vigorously advance under the banner of the great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.

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