Wednesday 26 June 2024

Report of Online Anti-US Solidarity Meeting 25.06.2024


To mark the 74th anniversary of the provocation of the Fatherland Liberation War , the Day of Struggle against US imperialism and the start of the month of solidarity with the Korean people , the Korean Friendship Association of the UK(KFA UK ) held an online anti-US meeting on the 25th of June at 1830 hours BST . Participating were members of KFA UK from London, West of England , Oxfordshire and Scotland . Guests from KFA Andalusia (Spain ) , KFA Russia ,KFA Greece, the People’s Korea Initiative of Poland , the Warsaw Juche Idea Study Group and a guest from Russia.

The song “Death to the US imperialist Aggressors “ was played at the start of the meeting.

Introducing the meeting Dr Dermot Hudson , the chairman of KFA UK and Chairman of the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea said that the meeting was not a historical or academic exercise as the US continues to occupy south Korea and threaten the DPRK .

Alan Bolon KFA UK Organisation Secretary and head of KFA UK West of England read out the article “Truth behind the Korean War” which exposed the fact that the US actually started the Korean War . The article concluded that “ The US can never cover up the truth behind its provocation of the war, no matter what tricks it employs to turn black into white.

Dr Hudson said in his contribution to the meeting that “Stepping up solidarity with the Korean people is part of the struggle against the global empire of US imperialism .” Dr Hudson detailed facts that showed the US and south Korean puppets had started the Korean War . He also spoke about the barbaric atrocities committed by the US imperialists recalling his visits to the Sinchon museum . Dr Hudson concluded by saying that “Today US troops continue to occupy the southern part of Korea and threaten the DPRK . The aggressive and predatory nature of the US hostile policy towards the DPRK remains even after 74 years .


We hope that this meeting and our picket of the US embassy on the 29th of June , in a few days time will make a meaningful contribution to the month of solidarity with the Korean people

Comrade Alan Bolon read out the address of President KIM IL SUNG “ LET US WIPE OUT THE INVADERS BY A DECISIVE COUNTEROFFENSIVE

Which had been Delivered at the Extraordinary Meeting of the Cabinet

of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea June 25, 1950.

Short contributions were made by the representative of KFA Andalusia and the general secretary of KFA Greece  which mentioned the recent successful visit of Russian president VV Putin to the DPRK .

A solidarity resolution was adopted .

The short documentaries “ The US Imperialist Aggressor Army under the Cloak of UN Force” and “Undried Blood” were shown.

The meeting concluded at 1950 hours BST.

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