Friday 14 June 2024

General Secretary Kim Jong Un and Kangdong Integrated Greenhouse Farm


Recently, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has built an integrated greenhouse farm in the Kangdong area of its capital city of Pyongyang. The farm is reportedly advanced in terms of intellectualization and intensity in greenhouse vegetable production, and boasts modern, cultural and practical qualities.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, intends to build modern greenhouse farms in different parts of the country in a bid to improve the people’s dietary life.

Accordingly, the country already built the Jungphyong Greenhouse Farm for the sake of the people in North Hamgyong Province with poor conditions for vegetable farming, which was followed by the inauguration of the Ryonpho Greenhouse Farm geared to satisfying the needs of the people in Hamhung City, one of the country’s leading industrial areas, and South Hamgyong Province. The Kangdong Integrated Greenhouse Farm is dedicated to Pyongyang citizens.

As he had done with the projects for the Jungphyong and Ryonpho greenhouse farms, Kim Jong Un ensured that an important military base was removed to build the integrated greenhouse farm in Kangdong.

Reportedly, he examined more than 300 layouts, including the master plan and artists’ impressions, as well as over 3 280 technical drawings.

As a result, as many as 1 050 greenhouses, production and service buildings, and dwelling houses, with their total floor space amounting to nearly 1.2 million square metres, came into being on an area of over 260 hectares in a matter of one year after the ground was broken.

The DPRK developed and applied world-level facilities and technologies to the construction of the farm.

The DPRK leader made sure that cylindrical and multi-layer cultivation equipment, part of the world trends in greenhouse farming, were introduced and an intelligent integrated manufacturing system was established at a high level to put production on an intensified, concentrated and intelligent basis.

Under his concern, the Kangdong Integrated Greenhouse Farm came to be built as a land- and labour-saving greenhouse farm of a new generation, with its size and production capacity much larger than those of the Ryonpho Greenhouse Farm.

On the day when the farm was inaugurated and put into operation, he stressed the need to step up the construction of modern and large-scale greenhouses across the country in the future and turn vegetable production into a creation-oriented industry.

The Kangdong Integrated Greenhouse Farm began to supply fresh vegetables to Pyongyang citizens over 10 days after inauguration.

This reveals some facts about General Secretary Kim Jong Un.

First, he gives top priority to the work for the people and spares nothing for them.

It can be additionally proved by some of the ongoing priority tasks, namely the heavily funded construction project for 50 000 flats in Pyongyang, rural houses construction, and the Regional Development 20×10 Policy.

Second, he is confidently creating new things in his own way so that they can be on a par with others.

You can easily see through TV and Internet that the DPRK is building structures at world levels by its own efforts.

All the structures are unthinkable apart from his leadership.

Third, he brings about such substantial transformation, not by words or ideal but in reality, and not in the distant future but in his own generation.

Now the DPRK’s goals are not to be attained in the future.

Almost every day people are moving into new homes and modern factories are mushrooming in different parts of the country. Kim Jong Un is the architect of this constant transformation favoured by its people.

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