Thursday 27 June 2024

Firm Principle of Struggle of Our Party and Government against the Enemy From Voice of Korea

It is 74 years after the US imperialists provoked a war of aggression against the young Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Decades have passed since then, but the Korean people do never forget the crimes of the US imperialists and other hostile forces who forced the ravages of war upon them along with June 25.

The DPRK, a peace-loving socialist state, remains unchanged in its desire for taking the road of independent development in a peaceful and stable environment free from aggression and interference and we have paid dearly for it.

Owing to the anti-DPRK confrontation policy of the US imperialists lasting decade after decade, however, our country's security environment has been steadily deteriorated, and today it has become the world's most dangerous zone with the risk of the outbreak of a war.

The vast nuclear strategic assets stationed in the peripheral area of the DPRK, ceaseless war exercises staged by the United States and its followers on the largest scale, the military nexus between Japan and the Republic of Korea boosted at the US instigation, etc. are seriously threatening the security of our state moment by moment.

This offers reasonable and full justification for strengthening the military capability of the DPRK and more rapidly improving the nuclear war deterrent.

Today the DPRK is constantly bolstering up its self-reliant defence capability for the well-being of the country, the people and the generations to come under the wise leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

This year, too, Kim Jong Un gave energetic guidance to a number of munitions factories and major defence industrial enterprises.

Acquainting himself with the production activities of a defence industrial enterprise on May 17, Juche 113(2024), he said we cannot but more strictly acknowledge the necessity of bolstering up our nuclear war deterrent to cope with the security environment of the country created due to the recent military confrontation moves of the enemy and stressed the need to keep accelerating important activities and production activities for more rapidly bolstering the nuclear forces of the DPRK without halt and hesitation.

He also said the enemies would grow dreadful and dare not to play with fire only when they witness the nuclear combat posture of our state which is hard for them to realize, and that this just means war deterrent. He called for clearly showing the enemies the infinite capability of the DPRK developing rapidly.

Kim Jong Un energetically guided all sorts of trainings of units of the People's Army and test-firing of newly developed weapons.

A power demonstration firing aimed at the Republic of Korea, which infringed upon the sovereignty of the DPRK, was conducted under his leadership in late May Juche 113(2024) in order to show the corresponding will of the DPRK to carry out even a preemptive attack.

That day, Kim Jong Un stressed time and again that it is the duty and mission of the armed forces of the DPRK approved by its Constitution to mobilize the military retaliatory forces for safeguarding the sovereignty of the state and the territorial integrity. And he declared that today's power demonstration firing, which is to be held under the situation in which the enemy is desperately conducting political and military manoeuvres to plunder the DPRK of its sovereignty, will be an occasion for clearly showing what consequences our rivals will face if they provoke us.

Appreciating that the war attack means of Korean style are maintaining prompt counterattack posture and are fully prepared, he stressed that the nuclear forces of the DPRK should be more thoroughly prepared to promptly and correctly perform the important mission of deterring a war and taking the initiative in the war at any time and in any emergency.

Powerful strength can defend a country and guarantee happiness of the generations to come.

Only a strong man has his dignity and honour, the validity of the revolutionary cause is proved by victor and independence and self-sustenance are guaranteed by self-defence. That's why Kim Jong Un often emphasizes that our strength should be powerful to defend the destiny of the state and people.

As we have bitter experience and deep-seated grudge during the Fatherland Liberation War and can no longer be the target of aggression, the Workers' Party of Korea and the DPRK government regard self-reliant national defence as the basis of their policy and accelerate the strengthening of military power at an extraordinarily fast speed.

We do not want war, but we also have no intention of avoiding it.

Once a war becomes a reality facing us, we will never try to avoid it, and we will take perfect and prompt action we thoroughly prepared in order to defend our sovereignty, security of the people and right to existence.

It is a firm principle and mode of struggle of our Party and government against the enemy to baffle any attempt of the hostile forces with the toughest countermeasures transcending it and neutralize any choice they make by displaying our powerful ability overwhelming it.

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