Thursday 27 June 2024

ASSPUK, BGSJI and KFA UK support White Paper of the DPRK Foreign Ministry Institute of American Affairs .


                          27th of June  Juche 113(2024 )

The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJI) and the Korean Friendship Association  of the UK (KFA UK  ) issued the following joint statement in support of the White Paper issued by  the  Institute for American Studies of DPRK Foreign Ministry  on the 25th of June ;

The White Paper issued by the  Institute for American Studies of DPRK detailed the shocking and diabolic crimes committed by the US imperialists against the Korean people both during the Fatherland Liberation War (referred to as the Korean war ) .The White paper also clarifies the retaliatory will of the DPRK and its people against US imperialism its sworn enemy.

The US imperialists during the Korean War or Fatherland Liberation War killed 5 060 770 people and caused property damage worth 16 661.622 billion U.S. dollars. The economic damage that the DPRK suffered since the end of the war amounts to 29.354 trillion U.S. dollars !.

Moreover the US imperialists resorted to all sorts of moves to obliterate the DPRK's existence including terrorism and sabotage as well threatening the DPRK with nuclear weapons and constantly carrying out military exercises against the DPRK  .

The White paper points out that "Nothing can compensate the mental damage suffered by the Korean people due to the U.S. ever-escalating nuclear threat."

Our organisations support and applaud the White paper of the  Institute for American Studies of DPRK Foreign Ministry. The crimes of US imperialism against the DPRK and Korean people are without number and no amount of compensation can absolve .It is a good thing that the DPRK has no illusions about the US and is maintaining a militant anti-US , anti-imperialist independent and militant stance . We support the resolve of the DPRK to finally settle accounts with US imperialism once and for all on the principle "blood for blood " !








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