Friday 28 June 2024

A leader of the people and a leader for the people-special article for the 8th anniversary of the election of Marshal KIM JONG UN as president of the state affairs of the DPRK


Eight years ago on the 29th of June , the Supreme People’s Assembly of of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) elected respected Marshal KIM JONG UN as the Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK , this position later became known as the President of State Affairs of the DPRK . This is a position of supreme state power . Basically , it was an affirmation that respected Marshal KIM JONG UN was at the helm of the revolution and construction in Korea  , that Marshal KIM JONG UN was and is the supreme leader of People’s Korea .

The mainstream media of the elite and the bourgeoisie in the West have created many myths , lies and distortions about the political system of People’s Korea alleging that it is ‘dictatorship ‘or ‘monarchy ‘ or has a ‘hereditary system ‘ ! These slanders are even repeated by some self-styled ultra leftists ! Nothing could be further from the truth , respected Marshal KIM JONG UN was elected by the Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK , which fully reflected the will of the people . So -called ‘experts ‘ on the DPRK in Western countries who are in reality paid by south Korea deliberately ignore the fact that in People’s Korea voting turnout is nearly 100 per cent so the Supreme People’s Assembly represents the will of the people of the DPRK. Those countries who criticise the DPRK have no place to criticise it because their governments have no popular mandate  to rule as they were in fact elected by a minority of the electorate.The criticisms of the DPRK by the elite in Western societies are nonsense and hypocrisy

Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN is both a leader of the people and a leader for the people . He has constantly and consistently put forward people-oriented policies . At the 7th and 8th Congresses of the Workers Party of Korea , Marshal KIM JONG UN called for the full implementation of the people-oriented line of the WPK which embodies the Juche idea .He is always with the people . When natural disasters struck the country on a number of different occasions , it was Marshal KIM JONG UN who was the first on the scene , driving his own car and not worrying about getting his clothes dirty .

I was in the DPRK in September 2016 when natural disasters hit the far northern part of the DPRK causing many people to lose their homes. At the time the DPRK, despite the intense and vile sanctions of the imperialists , was pushing ahead with the construction of Ryomyong Street . However on the 10th of September 2016 the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea  issued an appeal and directed that efforts to rehabilitate the flood affected area and build new homes should be prioritised over the construction of Ryomyong Street . Soldiers and builders were dispatched to the affected area . 11,900 new homes and 100 new public buildings were built . The DPRK was also able to complete the construction of Ryomyong Street by April 2017.

During the 8 years of Marshal KIM JONG UN’s presidency of the state affairs of the DPRK there has been truly phenomenal growth and development . Street after street has been built in Pyongyang such as Mirae Scientists Street , Ryomyong Street , Songwha Street, Hwasong Street and Jongwi street, to name just a few . Nowadays new housing is being built in rural areas and every day the DPRK media carries reports of people moving into new homes in the countryside.

Visiting the DPRK in April this year I was not only able to see Hwasong Street but also visited the newly constructed Kangdong Greenhouse Vegetable Farm which is a state farm . This has an area of 100 hectares and 8 types of greenhouses . Vegetables can be produced all year round . A few weeks before our visit the farm supplied fresh vegetables to Pyongyang citizens free of charge ! . The farm has 1,800 workers who live in houses provided free of charge .

It is very clear that Marshal KIM JONG UN is leading the people of the DPRK forward to socialism and communism under the banner of the great Juche idea . We salute the 8th anniversary of his presidency of the state affairs of the DPRK .

Dr Dermot Hudson

Chairman Korean Friendship Association UK 

Chairman British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea

President Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK

Vice-Chair OCIFGPP

Hon Secretary General International Central Committee for Songun Study 

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