Tuesday 21 May 2024

Core Strike Means of DPRK Armed Forces

On April 22, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea reportedly conducted for the first time a drill to operate super-large multiple rocket units, which would play an important role in substantially strengthening the prompt counterattack capacity of the state’s nuclear forces and boosting a war deterrent, under the state’s combined nuclear weapon management system “Nuclear Trigger.”

The 600 mm super-large multiple rocket launchers, the core strike means of the DPRK armed forces, accurately hit the target islet 352 km away, fully demonstrating their matchless power and perfect actual war posture.

To recollect, a salvo fire of the super-large multiple rocket launcher batteries was conducted in mid-March, to be followed by a test simulating a mid-air explosion of a super-large rocket at a preset altitude above the target.

The DPRK stressed that its nuclear forces would keep the war posture with its more developed capacity, thoroughly deter the moves and provocation of the enemies and carefully watch them, and carry out their important mission without hesitation if the enemies dare to attempt at the use of force.


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