Friday 31 May 2024

ASSPUK , BGSJI and KFA UK support statement of DPRK Vice FM on UN double standards



  London 31st of May  Juche 113(2024)

Today Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the British Group for the Study of the  Juche Idea(BGSJI) and the Korean Friendship Association of the UK( KFA UK) issued a joint statement in support of the press statement of  comrade Kim Son Gyong, vice-minister for International Organizations of the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea(DPRK) that was issued on the 30th of May ;

Recently the UN Secretary General Guterres issued a statement through his underling that the DPRK's launch of a satellite on Monday violated  UN Security Council (UNSC ) resolutions .It really has become boring that the UN Secretary General keeps repeatedly issuing statements denouncing the DPRK over satellite launches or missile tests , really he should get a life .

 Comrade   Kim Son Gyong, vice-minister for International Organizations of the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK issued an excellent statement denouncing the sheer hypocrisy and double standards of the head bureaucrat of the UN .Comrade Kim Son Gyong says "it is my opinion that the UN secretary-general should speak on the basis of a reasonable judgment of the overall interconnections of the duty entrusted to him and the prevailing situation, even though he is under the political influence of the U.S. and western countries and although he lacks independent and objective view on the issue of the Korean peninsula"

Indeed the UN Secretary General should judge things in an impartial ,fair and honest way but he does not . Instead Guterres acts as a servant and a puppet of the US . Guterres has failed to condemn the mad Israeli Zionists for their criminal massacres of the Palestinian people . Moreover the two -faced hypocrite Guterres has never the US and ROK war moves against the DPRK or the presence of US aggression troops in south Korea .

Not only has the UN Secretary General bad mouthed the DPRK for exercising its legitimate right to space exploration but an 'open meeting ' of the UNSC has been called at which the DPRK's satellite launch will be put on the table . This is unfair and unwarranted interference in the affairs of the DPRK . It is high time that the UN stopped acting as a mouthpiece of the US imperialists .Really the UN faces the possibility of collapse because it does not function as a fair or impartial body .

We support the resolve of the DPRK to exercise its right to self-defence and maintain its right to space exploration.




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