Monday 27 May 2024

ASSPUK, BGSJI and KFA UK support statement of DPRK Vice Minister of National Defence



  London 26th of May  Juche 113(2024)

Today Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the British Group for the Study of the  Juche Idea(BGSJI) and the Korean Friendship Association of the UK( KFA UK) issued a joint statement  in support of the press statement of comrade Kim Kang Il, vice-minister of National Defence of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea(DPRK ) that was titled "National sovereignty, security and interests will be protected with strong power for self-defence";

The vice-minister of National Defence comrade Kim Kang Il  in his press statement that was issued on the 26th of May exposes and roundly condemns the provocative and aggressive moves of the south Korean puppets and the US imperialists against People's Korea .The anti-DPRK provocations are threefold ; firstly intensive aerial espionage against the DPRK with regular intrusions of spy planes , secondly , intrusions into DPRK territory at sea and thirdly , the psychological warfare through the scattering of leaflets by balloons. Referring to the increased espionage by the US imperialists and south Korean puppets vice minister Kim Kang Il says that  "Such hostile military espionage, together with various military drills, has become the root cause of ever-escalating regional military tensions."

It is very clear and obvious to all that the US imperialists and south Korean puppets are massively increasing tension and trying to stifle Juche-based socialism by force . We condemn the warmongering moves of the US imperialists and south Korean puppets.

The press statement of the DPRK National Defence vice -minister clarifies that "When our national sovereignty, security and interests are violated, we will take action immediately." The DPRK will defend its maritime borders as well as taking retaliatory action against leaflet scattering .

We support the measures of the DPRK to secure its borders , defend its sovereignty and retaliate against those who encroach upon the socialist system .

US out of Korea !

Defend People's Korea




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