Monday 20 May 2024

ASSPUK ,BGSJI and KFA UK support DPRK FM statement on US sub-critical nuclear test



  London 20th of May  Juche 113(2024)

Today Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the British Group for the Study of the  Juche Idea(BGSJI) and the Korean Friendship Association of the UK( KFA UK) issued a joint statement  in support of the press statement of the  spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea that was issued today 20th of May ;

On the 14th of May the  US  Nuclear Security Agency carried out a sub-critical nuclear test in Nevada , USA . This was the third nuclear test of the US under the presidency of Joe "Sleepy Joe " Biden . The spokesman of the DPRK Foreign Ministry rightly denounces the test as " a dangerous act that renders the extremely worsening global security environment more unstable, having seriously negative impact on the strategic balance among major nuclear powers."

The DPRK has been repeatedly and hypocritically condemned by the US for carrying out nuclear tests but in fact the US have carried out 3 nuclear tests under Biden but in the same period the DPRK has not carried out any nuclear tests ! . It is so hypocritical for the US to blame and criticise the DPRK over nuclear tests . In fact the US is the biggest possessor of nuclear weapons . The US has also threatened the DPRK with the use of nuclear weapons on many occasions and kept over 1,000 weapons in south Korea.

The US has established a 'Nuclear Consultative Group ' with the south Korean puppets and has deployed US nuclear submarines in south Korea . 

As the statement of the DPRK Foreign Ministry points out "What should never be overlooked is the U.S. recent sub-critical nuclear test's impact on the military security situation of the Korean peninsula as it has added new tension to the military showdown among nuclear weapons states, fomenting the international nuclear arms race."

The DPRK is fully justified in bolstering its national defence capabilities and in taking counter-measures against the increased US nuclear threat !

Hands Off People's Korea !

Defend People's Korea !




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