Thursday 30 May 2024

ASSPUK , BGSJI and KFA support comrade Kim Yo Jong 's statement "The ROK is not entitled to criticize the freedom of expression of the people of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea"



  London 30th of May  Juche 113(2024)

Today Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the British Group for the Study of the  Juche Idea(BGSJI) and the Korean Friendship Association of the UK( KFA UK) issued a joint statement  in support of the press statement of comrade Kim Yo Jong, vice department director of the Central Committee of the Workers Party   titled "The ROK is not entitled to criticize the freedom of expression of the people of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea" that was made on the 29th of May ;

The DPRK has successfully carried out an operation to fly balloons filled with rubbish and other waste materials into south Korea . The south Korean puppets had already been warned of this by the press statement of the DPRK vice minister of National Defence . The DPRK has merely responded to the south Korean puppets provocative action of flying balloons full of rubbish into the DPRK . It should never be forgotten that in 2022 the south Korean puppets sent balloons infected with Covid 19 into the DPRK .

Now the south Korean puppets are kicking up a fuss , even talking about referring the matter to the "UN Command " and a supposed violation of international law.

Comrade Kim Yo  Jong in her statement exposes the double standards and hypocrisy of the scum like ROK puppets who have cried about the people of the DPRK sending rubbish to south Korea but have repeatedly sent balloons filled with rubbish into the DPRK on many occasions .The ROK puppets and their US imperialist masters claim that it is the 'freedom of expression ' but do not like it when the DPRK used the same tactic .

As correctly pointed out  by comrade Kim Yo Jong "The ROK clans must be subject to due pains as they tried to scatter leaflets, the political agitation rubbish slandering the idea and system of the DPRK regarded by all its people as sacred, and inject their mixed ideas raised at cesspools to the DPRK, and made a serious mockery of our people by scattering the cheap money and trifles which even mongrel dogs wouldn't like" These words are incisive criticism of the hated south Korean puppet regime which is trying to overthrow the socialist system of the DPRK by psychological warfare and ideological and cultural infiltration .

The ROK puppets cannot stop the people of the DPRK from sending balloons to south Korea .

We support the just retaliatory action of the DPRK and its people against the hated ROK puppet regime.




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